Saturday 29 December 2018

Turning Twenty-Nine on the 29th/ My Crown Birthday

If you know me you'd know that I love birthdays. I love celebrating people and their achievements and what a better day to do that than on their birthdays?!

It will come as no surprise then that I don't forget people's birthday and it makes perfect sense that I make a big hoo-haa about mine.

I was born on the 29th  of December 1989. It was on a Friday! I was conceived in Cape Town but born in Mdantsane (Nomaphelo's maternal home).

We all know what birthdays are for and the meaning behind it all so I won't bore you with the Oxford definition. Mine are a day of gratitude. I am most thankful to the Lord. It's a time for introspection. I look back where I've been, the hurdles I faced, the mountains I've climbed and of course I celebrate the life I've lived.

I have never thought I'd be where I am when the day finally comes for me to celebrate my crown birthday. I had dreams, big dreams!  I can tell you now that none of them have been realised. I have experienced delay upon delay but I'm grateful for one thing though that my pure heart hasn't been tainted. And I ain't bitter! I am still able to applaud those who have made it without forcing a smile and a fake congrats. And there are those people whose success feels like yours. When they make it you cheer for them the loudest because it feels like you've made it too, their achievements do not evoke jealousy or self-pity.

I have grown so much. I am absolutely not the person I was when I turned twenty-one *rolls eyes.* I now see life for what it is and I take it one day at a time. I'm not in any rush. I want to be present in every moment. I don't want life to pass me by.

What makes me walk with my big head held up high is knowing I stayed true to myself. I fought the good fight. I have never lowered my standards for anything or anyone and that comes with maturity. Compromsing is not a language I'm fluent in! I love people wholeheartedly but I have my boundaries.

I am still that kindhearted, selfless and God fearing young lady I was when I accepted King Jesus as my Lord and personal Saviour at the tender age of seventeen. A stage of confusion and self-realisation for most teenagers.  I had chosen to walk with God and that's the best decision I've ever made. No regrets at all!

Over the years though I have become soft too soft for my liking. I bruise easily. I get emotional over small things like a bird getting knocked over by a car. I don't lie to myself. I like what I like and I ain't ashamed to tell the whole world. I may not go after it though! Never make the mistake of following your heart it will lead you astray! Iyalwatyuza intliziyo mbhem!

I live my truth. Good gracious God! I'm not the type that gets bullied. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I speak  my mind like nobody's  business. It's not my fault that I have a strong personality. And it doesn't help that I have this new found freedom of being authentically me! I don't make excuses for my behavior nor do I explain myself to anyone. I don't make an effort of changing a person's preconceived ideas of the person they think I am.  When the time is right they'll know me and hopefully it won't be too late.

So many things tried to break my spirit. But ke mtram ndinguLungelwa kayi-one! Angibenywa angisiyinsangu  lol.  I geared  myself for any fight that came my way to destabilise me. I was never fixated on winning but rather on letting the person know that I ain't a push-over! I stand my ground especially when I know I'm right. I'd wear my highest pair of heels and let lucifa's toenail know that la ufike e-park station.

I pride myself on being truthful and standing up for the truth. I've never in all 28 years of living in God's green earth have I turned a blind eye to wrongdoing. My conscience won't allow me even if I try.

What makes me sleep like a newborn baby at night is knowing that I've never under any circumstances have I sold my birth right. Hunger of any kind has not controlled me.

I am not ashamed of the mistakes I have made along the way. I wouldn't be the person I've become if I did everything by the book all the time. Failure is the greatest teacher so they say and I have allowed myself to fail and accept it. I don't stress myself with things I can't change. Ndingabitya ndibengumcinga.

My love for King Jesus hasn't waned off nor has it changed! It keeps getting stronger and stronger. I love Him. He loves me. It's simple like that. The more He adds a year to my life the more I grow into knowing Him. He amazes me every blessed day.

Do I have any note to my younger self? Of course I do. Trust God. It may not be clear now where He's taking you but you'll get there at the appointed time. Igama lakho nguLungelwa. Follow it and unlock the secret behind it. It's not just for you but for those who come after you. Stay strong and never look back. You are loved!

Wednesday 12 October 2016

I Love You But...

I believe, we all have those defining moments, where you really love someone but wish they could just change that one thing about themselves that annoy the hell out of you. It happens to the best of us. I'm pretty sure you too aren't exempt from such.

Sometimes you see something that is so close to perfection but there's this thing coming in the way. And you kinda wonder how it could have been had not this stood in the way of its greatness.

I was watching John Hagee Today and I liked what I saw but, here comes that BUT that got me writing this post. But I didn't like the healing segment of the show because it dented the perfect image I had of this powerful-insightful man of God. It's something if I had the means, I would have wanted it not to be included on the show though it's so significant to the gospel.

We want people to believe, witness and see King Jesus in action. Asifuni ukubalisa amabali. That time is long gone! (If it ever existed) Ain't no body got time for intsomi. People want to see a Jesus that backs-up His Word. And He can do that any day, any hour provided that we allow Him to be who He is.

My heart dropped shem when I watched the man of God dipping his hand in a bowl full of anointing oil. I didn't go as far as checking if he sells it but I bet my last cent he does. It's the most logical thing to do if you have started using it in your healing services.

In my hearts of hearts I wish men and women of God would shy away from unknowingly or knowingly leading the masses into sin.

We all know how the human race is wired. if they see a great man of God 'relying' on oil to deliver the sick they too will turn their eyes to the means to the end. Not the end itself.

People aren't only interested in what comes out of our mouths. They watch our every move to see if we don't deny King Jesus by our actions. Even in this century actions do speak louder than words, more so for the Godly generation.

The Word of God warns us of carelessness. Sometimes we are not aware of the implications of our actions. We refuse to see beyond that which is making sense now (monetarily) and probably will be meaningless tomorrow.

Anyway the man of God has got me thinking and that's a good thing bakithi. Whatever you are doing should evoke an emotion right?! And that doesn't mean you are seeking attention or you go out there thinking I want them to talk, heck let me be the reason they are talking. It just that what you do demands to be acknowledged, good or bad.

There are so many things we love and admire and kinda wish if only they would make things right with God the father. For us believers it always boils down to that. It's never about earthly desires. Little by little we outgrow them. Siyaphuma kuzo mbhem!

You certainly, don't want them to change who they are, the essence of their being and what they stand for.  You just want them to open their hearts to the King of Kings, to see the world God the father has predestined for them before the foundations of this world.

You have seen Him moving mountains in your life and you know for sure should they surrender all to He without sin, their lives would never be the same again without a doubt.

I love you but change your lifestyle. You are most powerful when you have King Jesus by your side. Best believe!

LOL! And unlike us sinners, Jesus loves you unconditionally. He loves YOU and YOU only does He love.

It's in our nature to have a long-list of things, we think a person should consider changing in their lives. We have a hard time accepting a person for who they are. There's always that but lurking somewhere.

One of my favorite verses in the book of Corinthians  says, "When perfection comes the imperfect disappears."

When Jesus has held firmly to the pillars of your heart, He changes you in ways you have not imagined. You won't even feel it that someone is 'working' on you.

He brings forth the best in YOU. Akakuthandi kuba... Ukuthanda noba...

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Teach Us to Pray As John Also Taught His Disciples

I don't like generalizing, it's not who I am or what I'm about but I've come to notice that young people even the
believers do not like praying.

I don't know what keeps their relationship with Jesus going especially in these last days. You seriously need to stay prayed up hayi indab'odlala.

The minute you start saying, "guys I think we should be praying" you get weird looks. Not to mention when you say your prayers in public. Obviously we are nothing like the pharisees, we do it modestly but still get blank stares. It's like prayer is something we should be ashamed of. Why?

Why are we treating the only way of communicating with the heavens this wrongly. We have no other way of updating Jesus about our lives.

The coolest thing about prayer is it's not restricting. You don't have to be at a right place at a right time or wait till you are in that good mood.

You don't necessarily have to say the right things either. It's Jesus we are talking about here. He knows your innermost thoughts. He really can read you like a book. He is the author remember?!

Isn't it annoying when some tries so hard to impress you and you are looking at them thinking be your true self maan! 

Don't bore me with wanting to sound right all the time! I think Jesus has those moments too, this is my mind running wild bakithi forgive me.

Jesus' disciples were very noble in their walk with Him. They didn't live a lie and acted like they know everything including prayer. They had a desire to learn and that strengthened their relationship with God.

They asked the creator of the universe to connect them with God the father. They had witnessed the power of prayer and how it instantly changes lives. They weren't satisfied with King Jesus pleading with God the father on his own.

They too longed for that intimacy with God the father. The nicest thing in our days is that we don't need to go via someone. You are in a need of  prayer? Kneel down, it is that easy! All you need to do is humble yourself and Holy Ghost will intercede for you.

Jesus though the savior of all mankind prayed. He never said I've got this, God the father has shown me everything I needed to know therefore I shouldn't seek His counsel.

Oftentimes in the bible we read about Him withdrawing from His disciples and praying in seclusion. I mean He even had His favorite spot to pray in. He valued prayer more than anything else.

Apostle-Teacher-Prophet Gunya once said unlike His disciples Jesus spent more time praying than delivering people.

Prayer isn't as hard as we imagine it to be. You certainly don't need to quote all the bible verses you know. Though it wouldn't hurt reminding Jesus of His word. That grows you.

I believe the only thing expected of us by King Jesus when we are saying our prayers is honesty and humility. He knows everything else and He sure isn't testing us but strengthening our level of faith.

What has helped me the most in this holy walk is being myself in everything that I do, be it prayer or just serving the Lord.

I don't fancy sounding like my pastor or steal someone's words when praying. As I am I approach the throne of grace with confidence. Like Samuel's mom, Hanna, I just pour my heart out to Jesus like I know how.

And you feel lighter after praying because prayer is a form of therapy. It leaves you feeling content.

If happeningly you still carry a lot of anger in your heart even if like Daniel you pray three times a day then change the way you pray. Simple like that!

I must say not every time we pray Jesus will answer quick quick but do rest your heart, it may take Him a week, months or even years but eventually He will answer.

Most of the time He won't give us the answer we are yearning for. We can cry a river or try twisting His arm, His yes is Yes and No a NO. He doesn't have a maybe and certainly He won't go against His Word.

If we are being honest we sometimes ask a hell lot of unreasonable things. So my Jesus has to sifts through all that mess. But don't stress He'll never leave you hanging NEVER!

I'm a secretive person naturally although I don't have anything to hide. I tend to bottle things up. I struggle with sharing my feelings with people.

But when I'm alone with my Jesus man! I'm a totally a different person. I think what makes everything so easy is knowing that Jesus sees me for who I am because He created me. So I don't need to put a stellar performance for Him. He loves me as I am!

If you are having troubles with having effective prayers start with the Lord's Prayer. Don't rush it, listen to every word. I love the LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION part. It always makes me think. You
might realize you have your favorite part too. #StayPrayedUp

Friday 2 September 2016

My Ten Year Holy Walk With Jesus

I'm a girly-girl and being a professing Christian didn't change that. I unashamedly count the years I have walked with Jesus.

Our anniversary is the biggest thing in my life because it's quite a mile stone. 

He has always been part of my life and I only realized that in 2006. My eyes were opened. I could then see the big bad world for what it is.  

So much has happened in this short space of time. So many things were said both good and bad. I have heard it all.  

If I could build a house from all the insults I have received along the way I would legit be staying at a lavish house by the sea somewhere in Amerika mntakadokrwala. 

It's common knowledge if u want to go somewhere in life DO NOT pay any attention to naysayers. And this holy walk is no different. 

If you thought you being saved meant people were going to roll out a red carpet each time they see you chitha utyiwe. Or you will have this beautiful understanding and connection with people dream on. 

You know once you start sharing your faith people tend to have these ideas about your life. Your life is no longer yours to live.  

They have a box ready to shove you in. They know how you should carry yourself. Who you should be seen with and how you must miraculously be there for them when they need you. 

Your life is generally under a microscope. One wrong move and you have people coming to your face telling you I told you so. 

I remember this one child from boarding school testifying and saying if you want "to be like' a celebrity, accept Jesus as your personal savior. And you will see flames.  

I guess it's so hard to believe that a person in this day and age can truly surrender their life to Jesus. And dedicate their life to the author and finisher of our faith. 

Anyway the reason I wanted to write this post is to share my faith, experiences, my ups and downs . And hopefully strengthen new believers who have just discovered this holy sacred path. 

I vividly remember the days counting to the day I got saved. I was this loud, tjatjarag and outspoken child. Certainly not the type you'd imagine getting saved but as the Word says Jesus shows no favoritism. 

I didn't know how to pray or read the bible not to mention fasting. Me, I love food shem though I'm a picky eater.

Jesus came at a time I needed Him the most. My soul longed for freedom. I was spiritually bound. I couldn't move. Had to dance to the tune of demons that wanted to claim my life. I was so close to losing my mind. 

But Jesus came down and lifted me up from the deep muddy clay... As the song says. 

Believe me when I say I was just not the 'right candidate' for salvation. My life was a mess stru. 

Even when I finally got saved I had a hard time accepting biblical teachings and practicing them. 

I questioned everything. One thing that come to mind now is the Ncandweni Christ Ambassadors song that was popular at the time. I don't remember the title but yayisithi ugqoke njani ngobu yazi isono samadoda sivela ngokubona. 

I was a young feminist then. You couldn't tell me anything, I deemed anti women. I love love women and yes #NoHomo. So I just didn't understand why women had to watch the way they dress and behave around the opposite sex. My question was can't men control themselves?!

Why are they gonna make their problems mine heh? Tyhini why am I carrying their cross. 

One thing worth mentioning too is when I finally stopped wearing pants. I honestly didn't see anything wrong with wearing pants. 

Likewise I had a tight argument as to why women should freely wear their pants. Deuteronomy 22:5 was not gonna tell me otherwise. Like other scriptures I would interpret that passage the way it suit my personal needs. 

Attending a church where women uniformly do not wear pants was not gonna change my stance in this too. I'm not that person who gets to a new place and find people dancing and join in. I watch admirably from a distance. In my good, old time when I feel comfortable, I will join in and dance like no one's business.    

So It was in 2011 and I was doing my first year in Pentech. I normally prepare my outfits a day before. Nothing changed that day. I had taken out what I was gonna wear in tech, my torn capri jean, yellow woven jersey and black shoes. I was set for the day. 

Now the Holy Spirit told me to change my outfit and wear a skirt. I obliged because I could differentiate His voice from my thoughts. 

Went to Tech. Had a great time. On my way back because I was using metrorail as a mode of transport. And there believers share the Word of God without any hindrances. 

So I got in a carriage and a brother was preaching a powerful, powerful sermon that touched me so much that I ended up speaking in tongues. Something that wasn't new but kuloliwe? Cabanga!

All eyes were on me and I started prophesying and the brother shame was so stunned. He never saw that coming. Neither did I. 

From that day onwards I stopped wearing pants. I just knew they were not good for me and what Jesus has put in my heart. 

People can be so judgmental and I know for a fact should I have spoken in tongues and prophesied wearing my torn capri jean where you could see my thighs was not gonna end well.  

They were gonna make mockery out of the situation but instead they were so alarmed.   

I have so many stories to share with you about this journey. Maybe I will one day God-willing write a part two.   

But since I'm at it let me share one more story. A recent one.  

I have been attending morning devotions. As you already know there's lot of kneeling and praying happening in such gatherings.

I noticed my knees were starting to become darker and I thought even the maid in Manhattan looks so much better than me,  of-course Jennifer Lopez is dead gorgeous what was I thinking comparing myself to a pop star lol.

Anyway the Holy Spirit brought it to my attention that I haven't fully given my life to Jesus as I often claim because I still cared about how my knees look like. 

I still have parts of me that I'm holding back. I haven't released the need of wanting to be in control of things. In a way I have hindered the Holy Spirit from doing the job God appointed Him to do in my life. 

I still have so much to learn and see. I know ten years is nothing to most people but to me it has been life-changing. 

I am now a better human being and with the help of the holy spirit I'm constantly improving. 

I am not gonna lie to you and say it has been smooth sailing from day one. Some days have been better than others. But what makes it so worth it is King Jesus my savior. 

I have grown so much and I thank God for each and everything I went through. He was making sure that He chisels all the rough edges futhi ndingabinjengo-Ephraim, ndibhakeke icala elinye. 

I even noticed I write so much better when I'm under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Jesus for Lungelwa lol Lungelwa for Jesus. 

Thursday 12 March 2015

My Journey to Salvation

I always feel some type of a way whenever I hear young people like me not wanting Christ in their lives.

 So I have decided to share my spiritual journey with y'all but this is gonna be hard kuba I am a private person ngendalo.

But I do hope it will inspire others to be unashamed of Jesus and start having a healthy relationship with him. For me it is never easy to open up.
 I am a private person and I have this protective wall around me and only a selected few are allowed to jump in.

 But Christ encourages us to share our faith. So yeah! Here's my path, the journey that made me change my lifestyle for the better.

 I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior at the tender age of 17. It was on the 2nd of September 2006 at a Christian boarding school I attended.

 I know I am being exposed as the weirdo that I am for remembering the exact date I got saved coz most people don't remember but mine was eventful angekhe ndilibale.

 Pastor Mlungwana shared a simple yet a moving sermon. He said we should choose between life and death. I was young and have never experienced much but what he said forced me to look at my life.

Do a quick introspection and thought of what I've been through. And surrendered my life to Jesus that day.

 I have always wanted to lift my hand and accept Christ but I never had the courage. So many things weighed me down.

 But deep down I knew Jesus was my saving grace and only him can heal me and fill my void, the emptiness that was in my heart. The year before going to boarding school, I got sick. It wasn't asthma that I was suffering from or anything that could be attended to by a medical doctor.

It was a spiritual warfare, a generational curse. Something that was bigger than I and then I knew I had to place my hope in something that can rescue me.

For I was sinking. I'd be watching tv and when I look up on the window close to our telly I'd see different figures moving up and down. Strangely enough they only appeared when I was the only one watching TV.

One time I even thought I was suffering fromstroke cause I couldn't move my right arm as it was stiff and resembled a snake. The dark world was quickly closing on me.

Prior to this I have only heard of such things happening but never took it to heart. I never in my wildest dream thought I was ever gonna experience something like this.

 Sleeping at night was a mission and a half. I'd hear noises and often move my bedding to my gran's room coz I couldn't sleep on my own.

The atmosphere in my room to put it mildly wasn't pleasant at all. So much happened but I won't bore u with the gory details.

The point isn't to scare you or drag you to my past. My family strongly believes in traditions. Honouring the dead and doing some rituals every now and then. A typical Xhosa family.

At some point my late mom was igqirha or trained to be one. Andisakhumbuli. I was still a younging when she passed but I know she took off her beads (Intsimbi) before dying.

I don't know what that meant but I am glad she did it. So I got sick and had to be taken to a traditional healer. She performed some rituals and I got better and no longer saw things.  But two years later, I had to be taken to a traditional healer again coz things got worse.

To a point where I almost lost my mind. I couldn't walk properly. Hectic stuff happened. The healer consulted us. And I confirmed everything and who was doing this to me and their reason for doing so. All this time I knew who did this to me and I can never tell u how but I knew. I guess it's a gift. 

On our way back home I asked my aunt what should I do in order to get well. She said I must believe. I forced myself to believe but I couldn't. My heart failed me.

You know when you are sick and desperate and you want to believe in everything that can heal you. But not me!

 I have always kept a journal and I'd write everything down and I remember reading some of the stuff to my teacher. And I kept on saying it's Jesus who saved me.

I didn't know a thing about Jesus that time. He asked where's Jesus from. I didn't know and I just said he's from Greece. He too was an unbeliever.

And tried mocking the situation. Like I said. I come from a traditional family. And for me not to believe in what I was born to was just grace.

 To cut my story short when I got introduced to Jesus, I received healing. And no longer felt the void that was left by mom's passing. The dark cloud over my life moved.

I was free from everything. I began to see things differently. God opened my spiritual eyes and I became a spiritual being.

 But best believe it hasn't been an easy journey. But I press forward kuba I know it's worth it. And I became an unashamed believer.

 My prayer is for God to be gracious towards you. Asuse your unbelief and everything that hinders you from seeing the Way.

 UThixo uYise abenani.


Wednesday 14 January 2015

Taking Back Your Power

I like Nippy aka Whitney Houston’s song I didn’t know my own strength. There are times we don’t know the power that’s within us. We doubt how strong we are.

Eleanor Roosevelt says a woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.

I believe the struggles we face as individuals are not only there to shape us but for us to look back and say damn I never in my wildest dreams thought I’m this strong.

Abuse victims are usually advised not to give their abusers the satisfaction of being powerless and miserable.

I think it’s best to tell yourself that it happened not by choice and reclaim your power and not allow yourself to self- distract. It might not sound doable but when you careless about negative people and focus on bettering yourself and keep it in mind that you are not your circumstances.

I remember when I started in a new school after failing grade 11 the principal told me in point black that they don’t accept failures. The way she said it killed my confidence but me being me I looked her straight in the eye thinking I’m going to prove this woman wrong. I ain’t no failure and she doesn’t know what made me not to pass.

I went on to be on the school’s top ten achievers and I know for sure if i had put more effort i could have obtained distinctions (but I didn’t there was so much happening in my life).

What I’m trying to say is we are more powerful than we think. If we have set our minds to change our situations, we can.

 I have read a number of stories of people who have gone through izinto ezingathethekiyo but came out stronger and more powerful.

It is not over as long as you are still breathing!

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Dysfunctional Marriages and Why People Choose to Stay

Intercollegiate Image
I was so shocked bantu beNkosi when I read comments on a blog I frequently visit about people who stay in dysfunctional marriages.

I think I have this fairy-tale image of what marriage is about and it appalls me to see people not living it out. The bible in my eyes made this holy matrimonial easy. Husbands love your wives and wives respect your husbands (Ephesians 5:33). I honestly or naively thought if people were practicing these verses in their households then they would live happily eve rafter. My reasoning was that women are affectionate beings, they want to be loved and men want to be respected and seen as superior or as the head of households. As longs as you respect him, he will love you forever or so I thought.

I never imagined people staying in loveless marriages and enduring all sorts of crap because they are keeping face or staying because of their children.

Divorce is not an option for me (Khethile khethile-You stick it out!) but hey! How do you stay in a marriage where your husband cheats and doesn't even make an effort to be discreet. I'm not saying cheating is okay as long as you don't get caught but imagine umntu that does as they please nje! And not hiding anything. Wazi nje that you are just waiting to be infected by diseases.

I know there are things I won't understand. They are not meant for me to comprehend hence I don't wreck my mind trying to understand them but what makes two people who vowed to stay together in sickness and in health.  I'm not refering to parasites with the aim of stealing one's riches. I'm talking about the ones that paid lobola (wadleka) and professed his undying love in front of his family and friends. What changes after a year or two? I know in the first two years they were probably still observing each other and compromising in most things and their different backgrounds can be a factor ezintweni ezinintsi. But why do people reach that level where they will just cause pain to each other instead of loving each other as they have promised to? Umntu enze unothanda as if they are still single.

Like I said maybe my love for happy endings is hindering me from seeing things the way they are. Or the believer in me refuses to believe that if people put God at the centre of their lives there would be dysfunctional marriages.

I know born-again Christians are among those who file for divorce as the heat in their marriages seems to be too hot for them to bear but I think the lost spark can be ignited and a couple that prays together can work through the toughest storm that want to ravage their lenyalo and be in a functional mtshato.

Disclaimer: These are just my thoughts. Don't burst my bubble phofu I don't even want to get married.I just love and respect that institution!

Sunday 31 August 2014

Living For None Factors

People these days have stopped living their lives for themselves. It's all about keeping up with the Jones.

It's quite rare to find a person that isn't influenced by their peers or what's trending on social networks. Life has reached that stage where people even lie by portraying a lavish life on social networks something that doesn't depict what is happening at home.

What happened to doing things that you enjoy. And not trying hard to fit in or impress people you hardly know.

I think we all want a meaningful life but how are we going to get it if we are chasing the wrong things nje.

Me being the observer, I see so much emptiness or rather vanity in people these days. Not trying to be biblical but inene obukuqala bazoba ngobukugqibela because we tend to start with things that should only mark our finishing line.

We are no longer in touch with our sense of being. Silahlekile.

Saturday 19 July 2014

It Takes One Tweet

It doesn't take much to put off a number of people that support and love your craft. 

Arrogance and lack of empathy aren't a great combo. Especially to someone that's in the public eye. 

Making fun of someone or reacting irrationally when you have thousands of followers of which some could be facing the exact thing you are ridiculing.

Before I vent aimlessly let me tell u what angered me.

I love TollAssmo since forever. His unique way of delivering comedy and his 'Madiba' inspired shirts and of course his reality show More Love is what attracted me to him. I like ppl who do not conform to the standard of this world. And are totally fine with looking different from the rest. Would not call them trend setters but abantu nje abohlukileyo. 

But I was so disappointed and hurt at the same time when I scrolled down on my timeline and saw a Tweet from TolAssMo directed to Mandla that said "@eenMcloud u r not funny leave dat 2 paid professionals like myself & continie 2 run ur spaza shop,stock up on beans or something #phumagimi." 

I didn't mind the bad grammar cause I make endless typos myself. 

But taking time out of his 'busy schedule' to insult another human being like that is uncalled for. I get that he didn't get Mandla's Joke as he say that's what he intended when he replied to this Tweet from Mongezi earlier which said - "Is it ok for me to be called a kaffer in the heat of an argument by a caucasian? What would you do?"

Mandla replied by saying @TolAssMo so what did u do Papa Khumo..?.holler if you need bail money. 

Mandla's response was a bit off and maybe Mongezi was still rattled with the comments made earlier by that racist that called him by the K word. 

My problem though is him mocking Mandla's business. On Big Brother Mzansi we learned that Mandla owns a spazza shop is the bread winner at his house. 
And that moved me so much. We live in a country that the devide between the rich and the poor is widening. And to see a young star rising beyond his circumstance and making a difference and isn't ashamed of his not so privilege upbringing is applaudable. 

Now to see a 'celebrity' undermining someone's hustle is so lame and unacceptable! 

Just because Mandla is from an impoverished background does not mean he can't joke about certain issues. And should be reminded where he comes from by those who think they have already made it. 

The two guys where both wrong but Mongezi took it too far. 

Any way that bothered me and thought I should blog about it!

Tuesday 6 May 2014

When Things Go Wrong

When things go wrong is when we suddenly remember that there is someone who is responsible for us. It becomes clear to us that we have a father in heaven that cares for us. We can offload every burden to him.

Whatever that unsettles us and makes our stay here on earth unbearable, we can rightfully say hey God, I can’t deal with abc and d. You know I need your help and you better turn up.

I know when we are at our lowest we become more humble and composed. You change the way you speak and act. You get your act together. You even respect the environment you find yourself in but not God!

It’s like we realise that Jesus should have a place in our busy lives. A permanent role that He should actively play but we are too proud to give Him the steering wheel of lives.

When we are met with situations beyond us we call on Him. Like a loving father He rescues us and protects our souls. He doesn’t ask why now. Sadly we only want him when things go wrong. Not when we are on top of our game.

We bluntly refuse to let go of our ungodly practises that He detests and hinder progress in our relationship with him. Unfortunately God cannot conform to our standards or limit himself and be less of a God to suit us.

He’s not sellable to the minds that think He wants to control us and doesn’t have a plan for our lives. He cannot change to fit in our programme. But when things go wroung…!

To be continued!

How Different Are You in These Social Media Times?

You will be forgiven if you think people that battle with sense of belonging are teenagers or elementary school children. These days people that should be seen as matured, passed all those silly stages and have discovered their true selves are rather immature.

We are in an era where social media plays a huge role in our lives. It contributes both positively and negatively in our daily activities. And can be blamed for making people detach from who they really are.

Everyone wants to be noticed and cheered. See me, see me is what they chant on social streets. People are fighting for ownership of the cool spots. They want to be seen as smartest, the most knowledgeable, the dopest, carefree and open minded beings.

Some shame suppress their thoughts on many things and go with the crowd. It’s like they waiting to be told, you too are important. You views can add value to the topic at hand. Make known what you are dying to utter but have been holding back because you fear being misjudged.

I think it is of our nature as human being to want to take leadership positions on everything and be seen as the one directing, telling everyone what to do or setting trends. The need to have the upper hand is great.

The foreseeable problem is losing one’s self trying to impress strangers. Wanting to keep up with abantu ongazange ubabone nasemdudwini wamasele.

Truth of the matter is that we all have something new to bring. When we stay true to ourselves we allow the world to witness the variety that we possess collectively. Imagine when artists stop being creative and copy foreign style of recording music. Basivimbe ubuncwane bomamela umculo ocwengileyo.

Money and popularity have a way of fooling people. Sadly some people succumb to the idea that only rich people deserve to be heard even when they don’t have anything better to say.

Endizama ukutsho, be your true self at all times. Fight to be who you kuba the world needs it. Not replicas but wena and you only.
Mazi enethole.

Too Ugly To Be Cherished

The world is kind to those who were created or mouldered fairly. Opportunities for them are endless. By the virtue of their good looks, they get treated better.

Appearance is everything for this generation. If by any chance you fall under this much disliked category: fat, dark and ugly then consider yourself the black sheep of our society.

It only gives preference to beautiful beings. They can have the ugliest of attitudes, low intelligence quotients and be insensitive to others. What matters is the ‘undisputable’ fact that they are beautiful.

Do not take into consideration the above highlighted qualities. The do not judge a book by its cover idiom is never applied when ‘beauties’ are concerned.

The outside appearance is the key to greatness bakithi. When you are pretty or handsome you are seen as a diamond. Boys want to have you, girls want to be your best friend. They don’t have to gain anything from you. The air that you breathe is sufficient enough for them until the next beautiful thing comes along.

What drops my jaw on the floor is how “ugly” people are treated. The insults they have to endure because they are not beautiful Nkosi yam! Anyone feels obliged to pass a bad remark on them. No one will come to their rescue.

Gabby Sidibe is a living example of such. Her success and proven talent doesn’t mean anything to merciless people who feel offended by the way God created her. People refuse to see the good in her. What she stands for and has to offer doesn’t count into her favour.

Sadly the beautiful Vogue worthy celebrities we see, have reconstructed themselves in order to be pretty and likeable. Obviously their ‘health’ was at risk and had to go for cosmetic surgery to fix their lives.

Black girls are bleaching their skins because Black is no longer beautiful. Lupita Nyongo is not beautiful enough for a Black girl.

Andazi what must happen for us to love one another and embrace each other’s differences. And see beyond the divides that the world keeps on introducing.

YOU CANNOT BE UGLY AND BROKE. CHOOSE A STRUGGLE- That’s what they say these days L

Bongani Fassie Continues to Work Under The Radar

City Press Imgage
One of our mistakes as TV and Radio followers is our tendency of thinking if a celebrity no longer gets featured on any of the mediums or gets written about in Sunday gossip papers, they have lost their relevancy or worse they are out of jobs.

Interestingly enough that’s what happened with Bongani Fassie after he parted ways with hip hop group, Jozi. In our eyes his star has arguably lost its sparkle. Bongani has since then worked on his solo career that includes producing hit songs for other artists.

The only child of the late best record seller of popular music, Brenda Fassie vowed to keep his mama’s music legacy going and he’s doing just that. Although understandably so, her passing affected him badly.

 Just because we don’t see them in the spot light doesn’t mean they are not up to something. Bongani is reportedly working with his former manager Lance Stehr of Muthaland Entertainment to commemorate the late Brenda Fassie.
I remember right after her death I watched Mojo- a show presented by husband and wife, Zam and Khensani Nkosi. Bongani was a guest and they were talking about the loss that South Africa suffered after MaBrirrrr’s untimely death. I couldn’t contain my tears as he cried and sadly spoke about his mama that tapped on my emotions and reminded me of my mother’s sad passing. I felt his pain.

Bongz as he is affectionately known is a proud dad to a baby girl (makutshwatwe bhuti and Vulindlela would be doubtlessly be the theme song).

Friday 25 April 2014

Running to The Media to Gain Sympathy

Amanda (Smtv image)
There is this tendency of public figures that approaches different media houses to ‘tell their different side of the story’ which they claim is the truth.

These days there are two versions of the truth that do more harm than intended. It lives people more confused as to what is really happening.

It has become part of celebville’s culture for artist even the upcoming ones to run to newspapers and reputable magazines to pour their hearts out. The things said is usually petty stuff that could have been easily settled out of public viewing.

I guess most believe no publicity is bad publicity as long as the masses are talking about them. No one cares about having a pure brand and attract followers by being their true-selves. Seeming they rather slide their own names into mud to gain popularity.

I think it is public knowledge that they usually source their own stories. I mean how possible can it be that a ‘friend’  who insists on being anonymous sells their buddy to the press and coincidentally be the one knowing the nitty-gritty stuff that should be known only by the celeb in question?

Relevancy is the daily struggle of talentless celebrity wannabies.  Their stage names are all over gossip columns and blogs.

What they fail to do is owning up to the stuff said about them but choose to leave their supporters in the dark. The “don’t believe everything you read is not enough” because these are the same mediums they use to promote themselves. Their supporters shouldn’t be expected to only take publications seriously only when they report the good and ignore the rest when it’s not good for their brand.

Telling anyone that cares to listen on how so and so deceived them and how record companies are milking them dry and them being better than their competition or old flames is so DA-ish. It puts them in a bad light. It comes across as someone that doesn’t trust their talent and drums up unnecessary noise to draw attention to them.

Months ago tabloids were having a field day with Amanda du Point’s allegations on Bona
Amanda with Jub
magazine. Apparently she was sexually harassed by her then partner who is a famous rapper. Mongers put two and two together and JubJub’s name came out. They based their assumption on details that Amanda provided. Amanda had to do a follow up interview and assure everyone that JubJub is not the rapper that raped her.

When I read the story my heart went out to her but wondered why hasn’t she filed a case of sexual harassment and put the loser behind bars where they belong. Telling the readers what unfortunately transpired wasn’t gonna get the supposed abuser punished.  The whole thing just created a buzz around her and the suspected abuser whose name is unknown by the public.
It then occurred to me that maybe that’s how she wants to deal with it and not traumatize herself again by opening a court case. Where she will be expected to give a detailed account of what happened and relieve every moment of her deal.

But the growing number of people in the public eye who would do anything, I mean anything to stay relevant it becomes difficult to decipher the truth. We find ourselves questioning their motives of suddenly ‘bearing their souls’ and making known their truths before releasing or launching a new thing.