Wednesday 21 September 2016

Teach Us to Pray As John Also Taught His Disciples

I don't like generalizing, it's not who I am or what I'm about but I've come to notice that young people even the
believers do not like praying.

I don't know what keeps their relationship with Jesus going especially in these last days. You seriously need to stay prayed up hayi indab'odlala.

The minute you start saying, "guys I think we should be praying" you get weird looks. Not to mention when you say your prayers in public. Obviously we are nothing like the pharisees, we do it modestly but still get blank stares. It's like prayer is something we should be ashamed of. Why?

Why are we treating the only way of communicating with the heavens this wrongly. We have no other way of updating Jesus about our lives.

The coolest thing about prayer is it's not restricting. You don't have to be at a right place at a right time or wait till you are in that good mood.

You don't necessarily have to say the right things either. It's Jesus we are talking about here. He knows your innermost thoughts. He really can read you like a book. He is the author remember?!

Isn't it annoying when some tries so hard to impress you and you are looking at them thinking be your true self maan! 

Don't bore me with wanting to sound right all the time! I think Jesus has those moments too, this is my mind running wild bakithi forgive me.

Jesus' disciples were very noble in their walk with Him. They didn't live a lie and acted like they know everything including prayer. They had a desire to learn and that strengthened their relationship with God.

They asked the creator of the universe to connect them with God the father. They had witnessed the power of prayer and how it instantly changes lives. They weren't satisfied with King Jesus pleading with God the father on his own.

They too longed for that intimacy with God the father. The nicest thing in our days is that we don't need to go via someone. You are in a need of  prayer? Kneel down, it is that easy! All you need to do is humble yourself and Holy Ghost will intercede for you.

Jesus though the savior of all mankind prayed. He never said I've got this, God the father has shown me everything I needed to know therefore I shouldn't seek His counsel.

Oftentimes in the bible we read about Him withdrawing from His disciples and praying in seclusion. I mean He even had His favorite spot to pray in. He valued prayer more than anything else.

Apostle-Teacher-Prophet Gunya once said unlike His disciples Jesus spent more time praying than delivering people.

Prayer isn't as hard as we imagine it to be. You certainly don't need to quote all the bible verses you know. Though it wouldn't hurt reminding Jesus of His word. That grows you.

I believe the only thing expected of us by King Jesus when we are saying our prayers is honesty and humility. He knows everything else and He sure isn't testing us but strengthening our level of faith.

What has helped me the most in this holy walk is being myself in everything that I do, be it prayer or just serving the Lord.

I don't fancy sounding like my pastor or steal someone's words when praying. As I am I approach the throne of grace with confidence. Like Samuel's mom, Hanna, I just pour my heart out to Jesus like I know how.

And you feel lighter after praying because prayer is a form of therapy. It leaves you feeling content.

If happeningly you still carry a lot of anger in your heart even if like Daniel you pray three times a day then change the way you pray. Simple like that!

I must say not every time we pray Jesus will answer quick quick but do rest your heart, it may take Him a week, months or even years but eventually He will answer.

Most of the time He won't give us the answer we are yearning for. We can cry a river or try twisting His arm, His yes is Yes and No a NO. He doesn't have a maybe and certainly He won't go against His Word.

If we are being honest we sometimes ask a hell lot of unreasonable things. So my Jesus has to sifts through all that mess. But don't stress He'll never leave you hanging NEVER!

I'm a secretive person naturally although I don't have anything to hide. I tend to bottle things up. I struggle with sharing my feelings with people.

But when I'm alone with my Jesus man! I'm a totally a different person. I think what makes everything so easy is knowing that Jesus sees me for who I am because He created me. So I don't need to put a stellar performance for Him. He loves me as I am!

If you are having troubles with having effective prayers start with the Lord's Prayer. Don't rush it, listen to every word. I love the LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION part. It always makes me think. You
might realize you have your favorite part too. #StayPrayedUp

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