Saturday 19 July 2014

It Takes One Tweet

It doesn't take much to put off a number of people that support and love your craft. 

Arrogance and lack of empathy aren't a great combo. Especially to someone that's in the public eye. 

Making fun of someone or reacting irrationally when you have thousands of followers of which some could be facing the exact thing you are ridiculing.

Before I vent aimlessly let me tell u what angered me.

I love TollAssmo since forever. His unique way of delivering comedy and his 'Madiba' inspired shirts and of course his reality show More Love is what attracted me to him. I like ppl who do not conform to the standard of this world. And are totally fine with looking different from the rest. Would not call them trend setters but abantu nje abohlukileyo. 

But I was so disappointed and hurt at the same time when I scrolled down on my timeline and saw a Tweet from TolAssMo directed to Mandla that said "@eenMcloud u r not funny leave dat 2 paid professionals like myself & continie 2 run ur spaza shop,stock up on beans or something #phumagimi." 

I didn't mind the bad grammar cause I make endless typos myself. 

But taking time out of his 'busy schedule' to insult another human being like that is uncalled for. I get that he didn't get Mandla's Joke as he say that's what he intended when he replied to this Tweet from Mongezi earlier which said - "Is it ok for me to be called a kaffer in the heat of an argument by a caucasian? What would you do?"

Mandla replied by saying @TolAssMo so what did u do Papa Khumo..?.holler if you need bail money. 

Mandla's response was a bit off and maybe Mongezi was still rattled with the comments made earlier by that racist that called him by the K word. 

My problem though is him mocking Mandla's business. On Big Brother Mzansi we learned that Mandla owns a spazza shop is the bread winner at his house. 
And that moved me so much. We live in a country that the devide between the rich and the poor is widening. And to see a young star rising beyond his circumstance and making a difference and isn't ashamed of his not so privilege upbringing is applaudable. 

Now to see a 'celebrity' undermining someone's hustle is so lame and unacceptable! 

Just because Mandla is from an impoverished background does not mean he can't joke about certain issues. And should be reminded where he comes from by those who think they have already made it. 

The two guys where both wrong but Mongezi took it too far. 

Any way that bothered me and thought I should blog about it!

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