Wednesday 8 January 2014

Y’all Still Wrecking Homes?

This isn’t a new subject but it affects our societies badly. Something needs to be done or said. If we keep quiet and do nothing about it, kids will grow up thinking it’s normal for a married man to have a side chick. 

With kids’ growing tendency of idolising celebrities who aren’t really role models but people who are still finding themselves and some losing themselves, it’s hard to just watch and not say a thing! They have seen how the SenzoMeyiwa and Kelly Khumalo drama unfolded and how Kelly shamelessly showed off her baby bump.

Marriage is a blessing from God and the institution needs to be respected. And we can only show respect by not being a side chick and meddling into things bigger than us. You might ask whyare we expected to respect something whilst the very same people who should be honouring and protecting it are the ones luring young innocent girls with expensive gifts. The answer is simple do not fall into the trap of joining losers in their misery. Love and respect yourself enough to shield your soul from unwanted baggages that will do you no good. We all know they won’t leave their spouses for you. Even if they do please don’t be the reason of a failed marriage. Yes things were probably going wrong long before you came into picture but distance yourself from such situations.

Let’s be the new breed that doesn’t rely on men for financial assistance. Let’s not find solace in destroying other people’s lives. Don’t be the person to “shakeup” people’s marriages. If they have problems and need a distraction the counsellors’ room should be the first step not you. I was so thrown back by my friend’s response to a discussion we had. He boldly confessed that he would openly cheat to his wife and she should be okay with it. I was even stunned by the way he said it and how he told us a story of his cheating grandfather and the pain he caused his grandmother. This is a university student better off a Christian. Ndamatsheka!

So many TV shows have been created, magazine articles written to make us aware of the dangers of getting involved with married person but nothing seem to reach our ears. We’ve of its consequences but no one dares to stop. Like sir Isaacs Newton says to every action there is a reaction. You will give an account to God for actions. Phalakahle.

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