Tuesday 6 May 2014

When Things Go Wrong

When things go wrong is when we suddenly remember that there is someone who is responsible for us. It becomes clear to us that we have a father in heaven that cares for us. We can offload every burden to him.

Whatever that unsettles us and makes our stay here on earth unbearable, we can rightfully say hey God, I can’t deal with abc and d. You know I need your help and you better turn up.

I know when we are at our lowest we become more humble and composed. You change the way you speak and act. You get your act together. You even respect the environment you find yourself in but not God!

It’s like we realise that Jesus should have a place in our busy lives. A permanent role that He should actively play but we are too proud to give Him the steering wheel of lives.

When we are met with situations beyond us we call on Him. Like a loving father He rescues us and protects our souls. He doesn’t ask why now. Sadly we only want him when things go wrong. Not when we are on top of our game.

We bluntly refuse to let go of our ungodly practises that He detests and hinder progress in our relationship with him. Unfortunately God cannot conform to our standards or limit himself and be less of a God to suit us.

He’s not sellable to the minds that think He wants to control us and doesn’t have a plan for our lives. He cannot change to fit in our programme. But when things go wroung…!

To be continued!

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