Wednesday 12 October 2016

I Love You But...

I believe, we all have those defining moments, where you really love someone but wish they could just change that one thing about themselves that annoy the hell out of you. It happens to the best of us. I'm pretty sure you too aren't exempt from such.

Sometimes you see something that is so close to perfection but there's this thing coming in the way. And you kinda wonder how it could have been had not this stood in the way of its greatness.

I was watching John Hagee Today and I liked what I saw but, here comes that BUT that got me writing this post. But I didn't like the healing segment of the show because it dented the perfect image I had of this powerful-insightful man of God. It's something if I had the means, I would have wanted it not to be included on the show though it's so significant to the gospel.

We want people to believe, witness and see King Jesus in action. Asifuni ukubalisa amabali. That time is long gone! (If it ever existed) Ain't no body got time for intsomi. People want to see a Jesus that backs-up His Word. And He can do that any day, any hour provided that we allow Him to be who He is.

My heart dropped shem when I watched the man of God dipping his hand in a bowl full of anointing oil. I didn't go as far as checking if he sells it but I bet my last cent he does. It's the most logical thing to do if you have started using it in your healing services.

In my hearts of hearts I wish men and women of God would shy away from unknowingly or knowingly leading the masses into sin.

We all know how the human race is wired. if they see a great man of God 'relying' on oil to deliver the sick they too will turn their eyes to the means to the end. Not the end itself.

People aren't only interested in what comes out of our mouths. They watch our every move to see if we don't deny King Jesus by our actions. Even in this century actions do speak louder than words, more so for the Godly generation.

The Word of God warns us of carelessness. Sometimes we are not aware of the implications of our actions. We refuse to see beyond that which is making sense now (monetarily) and probably will be meaningless tomorrow.

Anyway the man of God has got me thinking and that's a good thing bakithi. Whatever you are doing should evoke an emotion right?! And that doesn't mean you are seeking attention or you go out there thinking I want them to talk, heck let me be the reason they are talking. It just that what you do demands to be acknowledged, good or bad.

There are so many things we love and admire and kinda wish if only they would make things right with God the father. For us believers it always boils down to that. It's never about earthly desires. Little by little we outgrow them. Siyaphuma kuzo mbhem!

You certainly, don't want them to change who they are, the essence of their being and what they stand for.  You just want them to open their hearts to the King of Kings, to see the world God the father has predestined for them before the foundations of this world.

You have seen Him moving mountains in your life and you know for sure should they surrender all to He without sin, their lives would never be the same again without a doubt.

I love you but change your lifestyle. You are most powerful when you have King Jesus by your side. Best believe!

LOL! And unlike us sinners, Jesus loves you unconditionally. He loves YOU and YOU only does He love.

It's in our nature to have a long-list of things, we think a person should consider changing in their lives. We have a hard time accepting a person for who they are. There's always that but lurking somewhere.

One of my favorite verses in the book of Corinthians  says, "When perfection comes the imperfect disappears."

When Jesus has held firmly to the pillars of your heart, He changes you in ways you have not imagined. You won't even feel it that someone is 'working' on you.

He brings forth the best in YOU. Akakuthandi kuba... Ukuthanda noba...

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