Sunday 31 August 2014

Living For None Factors

People these days have stopped living their lives for themselves. It's all about keeping up with the Jones.

It's quite rare to find a person that isn't influenced by their peers or what's trending on social networks. Life has reached that stage where people even lie by portraying a lavish life on social networks something that doesn't depict what is happening at home.

What happened to doing things that you enjoy. And not trying hard to fit in or impress people you hardly know.

I think we all want a meaningful life but how are we going to get it if we are chasing the wrong things nje.

Me being the observer, I see so much emptiness or rather vanity in people these days. Not trying to be biblical but inene obukuqala bazoba ngobukugqibela because we tend to start with things that should only mark our finishing line.

We are no longer in touch with our sense of being. Silahlekile.

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