Tuesday 6 May 2014

Bongani Fassie Continues to Work Under The Radar

City Press Imgage
One of our mistakes as TV and Radio followers is our tendency of thinking if a celebrity no longer gets featured on any of the mediums or gets written about in Sunday gossip papers, they have lost their relevancy or worse they are out of jobs.

Interestingly enough that’s what happened with Bongani Fassie after he parted ways with hip hop group, Jozi. In our eyes his star has arguably lost its sparkle. Bongani has since then worked on his solo career that includes producing hit songs for other artists.

The only child of the late best record seller of popular music, Brenda Fassie vowed to keep his mama’s music legacy going and he’s doing just that. Although understandably so, her passing affected him badly.

 Just because we don’t see them in the spot light doesn’t mean they are not up to something. Bongani is reportedly working with his former manager Lance Stehr of Muthaland Entertainment to commemorate the late Brenda Fassie.
I remember right after her death I watched Mojo- a show presented by husband and wife, Zam and Khensani Nkosi. Bongani was a guest and they were talking about the loss that South Africa suffered after MaBrirrrr’s untimely death. I couldn’t contain my tears as he cried and sadly spoke about his mama that tapped on my emotions and reminded me of my mother’s sad passing. I felt his pain.

Bongz as he is affectionately known is a proud dad to a baby girl (makutshwatwe bhuti and Vulindlela would be doubtlessly be the theme song).

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