Tuesday 6 May 2014

How Different Are You in These Social Media Times?

You will be forgiven if you think people that battle with sense of belonging are teenagers or elementary school children. These days people that should be seen as matured, passed all those silly stages and have discovered their true selves are rather immature.

We are in an era where social media plays a huge role in our lives. It contributes both positively and negatively in our daily activities. And can be blamed for making people detach from who they really are.

Everyone wants to be noticed and cheered. See me, see me is what they chant on social streets. People are fighting for ownership of the cool spots. They want to be seen as smartest, the most knowledgeable, the dopest, carefree and open minded beings.

Some shame suppress their thoughts on many things and go with the crowd. It’s like they waiting to be told, you too are important. You views can add value to the topic at hand. Make known what you are dying to utter but have been holding back because you fear being misjudged.

I think it is of our nature as human being to want to take leadership positions on everything and be seen as the one directing, telling everyone what to do or setting trends. The need to have the upper hand is great.

The foreseeable problem is losing one’s self trying to impress strangers. Wanting to keep up with abantu ongazange ubabone nasemdudwini wamasele.

Truth of the matter is that we all have something new to bring. When we stay true to ourselves we allow the world to witness the variety that we possess collectively. Imagine when artists stop being creative and copy foreign style of recording music. Basivimbe ubuncwane bomamela umculo ocwengileyo.

Money and popularity have a way of fooling people. Sadly some people succumb to the idea that only rich people deserve to be heard even when they don’t have anything better to say.

Endizama ukutsho, be your true self at all times. Fight to be who you kuba the world needs it. Not replicas but wena and you only.
Mazi enethole.

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