Friday 25 April 2014

Running to The Media to Gain Sympathy

Amanda (Smtv image)
There is this tendency of public figures that approaches different media houses to ‘tell their different side of the story’ which they claim is the truth.

These days there are two versions of the truth that do more harm than intended. It lives people more confused as to what is really happening.

It has become part of celebville’s culture for artist even the upcoming ones to run to newspapers and reputable magazines to pour their hearts out. The things said is usually petty stuff that could have been easily settled out of public viewing.

I guess most believe no publicity is bad publicity as long as the masses are talking about them. No one cares about having a pure brand and attract followers by being their true-selves. Seeming they rather slide their own names into mud to gain popularity.

I think it is public knowledge that they usually source their own stories. I mean how possible can it be that a ‘friend’  who insists on being anonymous sells their buddy to the press and coincidentally be the one knowing the nitty-gritty stuff that should be known only by the celeb in question?

Relevancy is the daily struggle of talentless celebrity wannabies.  Their stage names are all over gossip columns and blogs.

What they fail to do is owning up to the stuff said about them but choose to leave their supporters in the dark. The “don’t believe everything you read is not enough” because these are the same mediums they use to promote themselves. Their supporters shouldn’t be expected to only take publications seriously only when they report the good and ignore the rest when it’s not good for their brand.

Telling anyone that cares to listen on how so and so deceived them and how record companies are milking them dry and them being better than their competition or old flames is so DA-ish. It puts them in a bad light. It comes across as someone that doesn’t trust their talent and drums up unnecessary noise to draw attention to them.

Months ago tabloids were having a field day with Amanda du Point’s allegations on Bona
Amanda with Jub
magazine. Apparently she was sexually harassed by her then partner who is a famous rapper. Mongers put two and two together and JubJub’s name came out. They based their assumption on details that Amanda provided. Amanda had to do a follow up interview and assure everyone that JubJub is not the rapper that raped her.

When I read the story my heart went out to her but wondered why hasn’t she filed a case of sexual harassment and put the loser behind bars where they belong. Telling the readers what unfortunately transpired wasn’t gonna get the supposed abuser punished.  The whole thing just created a buzz around her and the suspected abuser whose name is unknown by the public.
It then occurred to me that maybe that’s how she wants to deal with it and not traumatize herself again by opening a court case. Where she will be expected to give a detailed account of what happened and relieve every moment of her deal.

But the growing number of people in the public eye who would do anything, I mean anything to stay relevant it becomes difficult to decipher the truth. We find ourselves questioning their motives of suddenly ‘bearing their souls’ and making known their truths before releasing or launching a new thing.

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