Thursday 27 June 2013

Savita Mbuli Fearing For Her Life

It hasn't  been long that the nation bid farewell to witty, charismatic broadcasting legend Vuyo Mbuli but 'stunts' keep surfacing.

Reputable magazines followed Sunday Paper’s trail of telling us how the 'estranged ' wife is living her life and how  she is a publicity seeker anyway I will leave that to your judgement.
As much as I believe the dead should bury the dead and life is for the living with the late Vuyo I kinda bend my own rules. There is always an exception wethu.

But so you know I always support the wife who vowed not only before witnesses, family, friends but to God to stand by her man 'in sickness and health'. I respect that institution man!

It is reported that Savita is now living as a prisoner in her own home after an alleged hitman from Durban informed her of a plot to kill her.

I respected Nomakula Robert’s  decision of not entertaining the rumour that she dated the late vetaran but that later changed when she poured her heart to Heat Magazine.

Maybe she was playing the game and creating hype for her participation Strictly Come Dancing six.

We don't grieve the same way and its important to give one another space.

Trying to understand what is happening Emagcakeni akwaMbuli is out of our reach.  I don't want to go Tyler Perry on you(Preach) but in my not so trained view there is a thin line between public interest and tarnishing peoples reputation!

A good thing though is seeing how  Noleen Maholwana kaSangqu and Basetsana Khumalo are supporting their girlfriend.

I know the picture is not in harmony with the post but I liked it.

Monday 24 June 2013

Kanye West - Good kid Gone Bad

Kanye West
I am one of those who jammed to Kanye West's Jesus Walks single. I have mad love for Rap or the Spoken Word. It just tickles my fancy.

Some of you are probably rolling your eyes right now wondering what has possessed udade Lol.

College Drop-out was released in 2004 and I accepted the Lion of Judah in 2006 remember?!

With that cleared masingene emxholweni!

Man this kid is talented, He is not a sought-after producer nje, we can't take that away from him can we?!

Yall know satan is an opportunist but one author explained this beautifully. He said if you not filled with the Holy Spirit you are certainly filled with Lucifa.

In simple terms my friend willingly or not lucifa is dancing in your heart and calling the shorts if you dust your bible on sundays only or during funerals.

How did he manage to twist the arm of Donda's one and only baby who once professed "...But if I talk about God my record won't get played Huh?"

When you are vocal about the social ills rest assured that you have made satan your enemy.

He is a smart, patient chap that waste no time in destroying what God has fearfully made.

He firstly sweeps you off your feet by flashing money and a breath-taking future that in your right mind, you can't say No to. Who doesn't want to be wealthy and lack noting? Huh?

More like those evil Madala's that hold influential positions that can make things HAPPEN for you provided that you do them a small favor(you don't want me to mention it, do you?).

I believe this is what happened to Kanye: Whoever controls the media sort of laid rules and made it crystal clear what he expects from his ambassadors.

For example most satanist are forced to kill immediate family members in order to progress in their satanic life.

This is aimed at making them ruthless beings that only want to get the job done and in the process it kills the connection they have with their loved ones. And rely solely to the devil.

One of the prerequisite of illuminati's is to blaspheme God and recruit others in their quest of making this world lawless.

Its a fact that Kanye is no stranger to controversy but what makes him sink so deep into challenging God. I don't want to think he doesn't know what he has gotten himself into. A son of a church counselor knows better.

I dont want to rant about what he has done that makes me believe that he is challenging God. A google search might help you on that one.

A more detailed post about illuminati will follow.

Friday 21 June 2013

Couples Who Sing Gospel

Nqubeko & Ntokozo
It is highly discouraged for a sister to meddle or admire the marital life but I can not help but poke my nose to 'soul mates' that sing together.

God created us to worship him day in and out. How awesome it must be to some of our stars who are faithful to their heavenly Father by joining Heavenly Beings in worship.

You often hear at our local churches that praise starts at home, without a doubt some households practice it.

The love between Nqubeko Mbatha and Ntokozo Mbatha is 'beyond word's. I remember when they were both nominated for the same category and it was scooped by the Mbatha Queen she just humbly went on stage and recited her hubby's clan names.

The couple is blessed with two cuties though I haven't seen a picture, I can confidently say the two breeds harmoniously offspring with Ntokozo's beauty and Nqubeko's charm that would be a lovely combo.

Thabo & Nonhlanhla Mdluli
On the other hand Thabo and Nontlantla Mduli ignite fire on stage. The love and respect these two have melts my heart. With them I kinda change my perception that getting married these days is like that indemnity form that one signs before having a heart surgery- chances of dying are soo high.


Bongi & Collin
I must confess I didn't get the Bongi and Colin duet. I felt like they are better apart, musically that is but there is something about them that makes me to stop whatever I'm doing and listen.

This sacred institution has lost its value on society. Seeing public figures that are determined to make it work under the scrutiny of people who probably go to their kittens and dogs when the sunsets   but have the audacity to spot the cracks in people's lives when the sun arises.

Keep blessing us with your music ministries and making the word of God heard by the Gentiles ndinithanda thandi!!!

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Dancing With A White Guy

I just  liked this Pic
I do not see the fuss around schools having segregated matric balls.

One thing we should refrain from is forcing ourselves to Whites.

I was born in the late eighties and frankly I was privileged enough not to experience apartheid.

The only memories I have of this 'devious past' is that in my hood whenever my late mama shouted nantsi ihagu-the huge truck that was used by apartheid enforcers, I would subconsciously hide under the table.

Horrible things occurred between 1948 till 1993. Comrades disappeared, the amazing Black Conscience Leader Steve Bantu Biko was tortured by brutal prison warders and died in their custody. Chris Thembisile Hani was assassinated in 1993(I for one see foul play there remember it was during the Convention for a Democratic South Africa negotiations between Tamkhulu Nelson Rholihlahla Mandela, F. W. De Klerk and  others).

The Truth and Reconciliation Committee brought more sorrows than closure as families had to watch intense video clips of how their loved ones died in the mercy of abelungu and the sell outs blacks who for the benefits of their loved ones betrayed their people and inflicted pain.

Nothing and I repeat nothing can wipe away the image of Gugulethu 7 and the Sharpville massacre to name just a few.

Twenty years after apartheid and we still dancing to its tunes. Fori ntoni maan. Surely igazi labo zange liphalale nje.

I've read stories about certain Afrikaners who have created their own village in  Tshwane.

I want to proclaim Afrika for Africans but let's not be selfish and reintroduce apartheid slowly by chanting words that sow disintegration and hatred towards each other.

Those who are old say the National Party lead government made mixed race people believe they are better than Blacks and should work closer with them to attain their approval of being human & made black South Africans believe their are better than their fellow Africans.

How is all this related to the separate send-off for grade 12s. Simple dear, the big beautiful trees we see are kept together by their roots and it would be pointless to cut a tree from its stems and leaving the powerful roots.

If we sincerely want to curb racial segregation, my leaders should firstly try to root out racism and the belief certain races are superior than others.

We all breath the same air and we all excrete faeces and our blood colour is the
same, black or white we are all the same and if kids are not comfortable with one another forcing them to bond would create unnecessary resentment.

Meanwhile parents should try instilling good values on their kids because they reflect what is happening at home.

We tend to focus more on senseless things and not uncover the cancer that is slightly eating up ubuntu.

Anyway this is how I see it, it does not have to be correct. Feel free and tell me your thoughts 'comrade'

Wednesday 5 June 2013

One Step At A Time/The Blessing

Ordinarily we expect parents to take care of the needs of their children and devote their time in making sure that they have everything they need but that is not the case with Masixole Gilana, at 23 life has hit him hard but through it all he stood his ground and persistent to make an honest living.

Masixole, originally from a small village few kilometres from Centane called Gqunqe joined hundreds of Eastern Capers in 2006 and headed to the Mother City.

The transition was not smooth and easy as he struggled to adjust to the fast paced city life.

Back in Gqunqe everyone knew who he was and didn't battle for his Aunt's business to be noticed as he often had to accompany his aunt who sold woven mats to pensioners.

He found himself immersed into this big city life but had to grow out of it quickly and find a way of making things work, "I enrolled at Mandela High School in Crossroads to do my grade ten and I was staying with my older sister  and brother so I decided to sell snacks to make ends meet and this continued throughout my high school years.

My teachers and classmates didn't expect me to pass because my attention was so divided, little did they know that I slept after 2 pm trying to catch up.

I truthfully enjoyed this, I had a timetable and I stuck by it.

I then worked as a cashier for Kentucky Fried Chicken for eleven months and when that period ended I applied to be a Stock Controller at Game Stores and I tirelessly worked there for five months but got bored and resigned. I was so used being my own boss.

I applied for a six month Business Management course at Cape Town College and in between classes and assignments I lived a double life as train vendor to support my studies and my basic needs.

                                                                                  Social Life
As busy as I am I still make time for friends and family. I love watching TV and going out with friends and I try to make time for them but I don't want to be like those guys at Ekasi that start their weekend on Thursdays and finish it off with a Phuza Monday.

Challeges & Hopes For His Business
I'm passionate about entrepreneurship and being my own boss though a small business has its own challeges. Like here there are many of us and I try to distinguish myself from the rest by selling fruit and snacks. So far I'm the only one doing that.

I'd make more money when I have a stand because being mobile means leaving some snacks though I don't want to sell andinayo.

Plans For The Future
I'm looking for a job because being a vendor now is challenging with Metro Rail chasing us and not wanting us to operate from their stations. Plus I'm not comfortable with the environment.

Masixole enrolled at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology to study National Diploma in Entrepreneurship and funds his education, something his colleagues would see as a setback and a sign to give up and join oomahlalela elokshini.

Let's change this world by being the best we can be and remember tough times do not last but tough people do.

I hope you are blessed by his story as I am so shiya owakho umzila.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Shopping Assistants

Total Jobs Pic
OMG! I don't know whether they are trained to lie and sell people whatever they seem to be interested in.

Following consumers around and telling them prices without even asking for them is their daily struggle. I mean I will yell or indicate when I need help.

Long back I visited a retail store that sells  expensive clothes. A woman who wears what looked like size 40 was fitting a tight dress that didn't flatter her love handles and she asked the assistant if the dress was okay on her, she didn't hesitate and told her its a right cut for her.

Me not wanting to sound rude and jealous I walked away in dismay...

I love the colour purple, biblically it has a meaning and I won't share it with you hardy. I needed a bag but a saw a pink one at a boutique close to where I work.

And I asked if they had the bag in purple, My Word, the assistant started telling me how everyone wanted that bag and and I must admit it was not the best they had and didn't see a reason to go on & on kuba ibingekho caba yabo but I wanted it lol.

I know the goods need to be off the shelves and the big bosses want to count profit at the end of the month qondile but forcing people to take home things they don't need is bad, horrible.

Like Oomatshonisa that keep on lending to people who clearly have a mounting debt.

Yhoo its so worse for people that get social grants as illegal as it is they have no choice but to leave their bank cards(obvious ne-pin alok) and I'd's with the lenders. Its business baba akudlalwa.

I strongly believe in black empowerment and liberating our minds but we too need to say kwanele!

Kwanele in everything the lying shop assistants,
Kwanele to corrupt leaders,
Kwanele to mediocre education,
Kwanele to being treated as second citizens kulomZantsi Afrika!

Ja I just wanted to vent, nothing more o less! Remember that KFC add I'm hungry and angry its all about ngry ngry!!!