Wednesday 12 June 2013

Dancing With A White Guy

I just  liked this Pic
I do not see the fuss around schools having segregated matric balls.

One thing we should refrain from is forcing ourselves to Whites.

I was born in the late eighties and frankly I was privileged enough not to experience apartheid.

The only memories I have of this 'devious past' is that in my hood whenever my late mama shouted nantsi ihagu-the huge truck that was used by apartheid enforcers, I would subconsciously hide under the table.

Horrible things occurred between 1948 till 1993. Comrades disappeared, the amazing Black Conscience Leader Steve Bantu Biko was tortured by brutal prison warders and died in their custody. Chris Thembisile Hani was assassinated in 1993(I for one see foul play there remember it was during the Convention for a Democratic South Africa negotiations between Tamkhulu Nelson Rholihlahla Mandela, F. W. De Klerk and  others).

The Truth and Reconciliation Committee brought more sorrows than closure as families had to watch intense video clips of how their loved ones died in the mercy of abelungu and the sell outs blacks who for the benefits of their loved ones betrayed their people and inflicted pain.

Nothing and I repeat nothing can wipe away the image of Gugulethu 7 and the Sharpville massacre to name just a few.

Twenty years after apartheid and we still dancing to its tunes. Fori ntoni maan. Surely igazi labo zange liphalale nje.

I've read stories about certain Afrikaners who have created their own village in  Tshwane.

I want to proclaim Afrika for Africans but let's not be selfish and reintroduce apartheid slowly by chanting words that sow disintegration and hatred towards each other.

Those who are old say the National Party lead government made mixed race people believe they are better than Blacks and should work closer with them to attain their approval of being human & made black South Africans believe their are better than their fellow Africans.

How is all this related to the separate send-off for grade 12s. Simple dear, the big beautiful trees we see are kept together by their roots and it would be pointless to cut a tree from its stems and leaving the powerful roots.

If we sincerely want to curb racial segregation, my leaders should firstly try to root out racism and the belief certain races are superior than others.

We all breath the same air and we all excrete faeces and our blood colour is the
same, black or white we are all the same and if kids are not comfortable with one another forcing them to bond would create unnecessary resentment.

Meanwhile parents should try instilling good values on their kids because they reflect what is happening at home.

We tend to focus more on senseless things and not uncover the cancer that is slightly eating up ubuntu.

Anyway this is how I see it, it does not have to be correct. Feel free and tell me your thoughts 'comrade'

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