Thursday 28 March 2013

He is a Blessing

I’m a train user and I’m not ashamed vele it’s not something to be ashamed of even though it’s not the best transport in town.

I bumped into a young vendor at the Cape Town train station and he was wearing his Cape Peninsula University of Technology’s(CPUT) student card.

Normally I would have rolled my eyes and moved on but I could not.

I wanted to know if he’s selling snacks to commuters to make ends or he’s part of South Africa’s growing phenomenon of child headed household.

I developed so much respect for him; I mean selling sweets to people is not fancy at all despite this he seemed determined to make an innocent living.

He’s not waiting for government’s assistant nor blaming the ruling party for neglecting people who really need their help.

He’s an inspiration and I will try to ask him to share his life story with me. It won’t be easy opening up to a stranger but I will assure him it’s for a good use.

I get blessed by ordinary people doing great things to survive. Our country these past days has been full negative things and it’ applaudable to see a youngster rising above his circumstances.

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