Wednesday 5 June 2013

One Step At A Time/The Blessing

Ordinarily we expect parents to take care of the needs of their children and devote their time in making sure that they have everything they need but that is not the case with Masixole Gilana, at 23 life has hit him hard but through it all he stood his ground and persistent to make an honest living.

Masixole, originally from a small village few kilometres from Centane called Gqunqe joined hundreds of Eastern Capers in 2006 and headed to the Mother City.

The transition was not smooth and easy as he struggled to adjust to the fast paced city life.

Back in Gqunqe everyone knew who he was and didn't battle for his Aunt's business to be noticed as he often had to accompany his aunt who sold woven mats to pensioners.

He found himself immersed into this big city life but had to grow out of it quickly and find a way of making things work, "I enrolled at Mandela High School in Crossroads to do my grade ten and I was staying with my older sister  and brother so I decided to sell snacks to make ends meet and this continued throughout my high school years.

My teachers and classmates didn't expect me to pass because my attention was so divided, little did they know that I slept after 2 pm trying to catch up.

I truthfully enjoyed this, I had a timetable and I stuck by it.

I then worked as a cashier for Kentucky Fried Chicken for eleven months and when that period ended I applied to be a Stock Controller at Game Stores and I tirelessly worked there for five months but got bored and resigned. I was so used being my own boss.

I applied for a six month Business Management course at Cape Town College and in between classes and assignments I lived a double life as train vendor to support my studies and my basic needs.

                                                                                  Social Life
As busy as I am I still make time for friends and family. I love watching TV and going out with friends and I try to make time for them but I don't want to be like those guys at Ekasi that start their weekend on Thursdays and finish it off with a Phuza Monday.

Challeges & Hopes For His Business
I'm passionate about entrepreneurship and being my own boss though a small business has its own challeges. Like here there are many of us and I try to distinguish myself from the rest by selling fruit and snacks. So far I'm the only one doing that.

I'd make more money when I have a stand because being mobile means leaving some snacks though I don't want to sell andinayo.

Plans For The Future
I'm looking for a job because being a vendor now is challenging with Metro Rail chasing us and not wanting us to operate from their stations. Plus I'm not comfortable with the environment.

Masixole enrolled at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology to study National Diploma in Entrepreneurship and funds his education, something his colleagues would see as a setback and a sign to give up and join oomahlalela elokshini.

Let's change this world by being the best we can be and remember tough times do not last but tough people do.

I hope you are blessed by his story as I am so shiya owakho umzila.

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