Tuesday 14 May 2013

Digging Deep Into Your Garbage

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Trash is collected on Tuesday in my hood and its so bad to see people digging deep in people's receptacles looking for recyclable goods.

To them its a job and they do it with everything they got but I wish we could meet them half way and separate reusable waste to make it easier for them.

I know this won't be adopted by my people. We like seeing others half into our disposables. (Prove me wrong my sister & bro).

Mondoza saw this long time ago "umnto'mnyama akafuni ukubona omunye esiya phambili PHEZULU."

Apparently this is called 'Pull Her/Him Down" syndrome, PHD in short. And it has made its nest close to where my people reside.

You see it everywhere you go, like any qualification it has its standard, first & middle class folks are seen eagerly participating. 

"If we don't litter the cleaners will be out of jobs(black tendency right there)," that is what I'm told whenever I raise the issue.

I am not an environmentalist or a neatness freak but since my primary school days , when retailers started selling plastics bags because they thought it would  decrease pollution and it won't decorate our country I sort of wanted to protect the 'earth' too cause it sounded cool!

I urge you to support those who are making a business out of 'dirt' and are keeping our environment clean in the process.


Jerriana said...

Don't get me wrong...I support helping each other but don't you think to some extent it is true that these people need something to do and if we do everything for them, their employers will terminate their duties and they may be jobless again. It is not the black mentality, it is just looking at another side of the story

Unknown said...

By dumping trash into a bin doesn't mean u doing their job Jerrian! And I dnt believe their employers would be so heartless coz they will still have to collect it and there is never enough dirt...