Friday 3 May 2013

Countless Effort/ No Cheating Booi

I saw a dark,cute and chubby guy reading a book about totems and clan names. More like where do you come from typa thing.

I asked if he was Xhosa (imagine being asked that) and my question amused him.

He turned out to be Xhosa though I had concluded that he was Nigerian and he was interested in  poetry and literature.

Like any devoted born-again Christian I don't pass any opportunity of  telling people about the marvelous works of my savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

I threw a couple of questions and I must say I was blown away by his response.

"I am reading poetry because I want to be able to express myself to God."

I love any form of art and its always moving to see a brother respecting the craft.

His passion made me think of the sweet psalmist King David who had a way with words.

Its good that he is taking initiative to grow his relationship with his maker. A number of young people do not bother.

They are living their lives with the blind  hope that God will sort out everything without them taking part.

He is God moss taking care of us while we are busy doing the exact opposite of his word its his duty nhe?

The truth of the matter is that we no longer have to go to great lengths to have God's attention. Even the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) would be happy with the fact that we no longer slaughter animals to make offerings to our God.

Long and skillfully arranged prayer does not make him understand us better.

He wants us to be his children, children are forgiving and make countless mistakes in the name of growing up.

I find it really cool to just break down before God. He knows the real you and fumbling in his presence means you  acknowledge His role in your life.

There was a lovely story in a book called 'Reaching Out to God'. Sithi kukho lotata that worked with his kid & he regularly asked his kid to lift the table with him and there is no way the child could lift the table on his own and working closely with his father pleased him. They were co-workers and it did not cross his mind that the actual wait of the table was carried by his father.

The moral of the story: God carries the weight of our sins, he is our shield and  he gives us a chance of working with him.

Ukhumbule, He does not need us but we need him. His expertise and vast knowledge of the world would save us big time if we allow him to be God in our lives by that I mean not calling Him only in your hour of need with a bag full of a to do list.

No doubt He is our savior and fighting our battles is what he does gladly and I know He would appreciate a big thank you of obeying his Ten Commandments.

Anyway that's how I see it & nawe feel free and tell me what you think we should do as the new breed that want to leave a holy life in this world.

God bless you.

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