Monday 6 May 2013

'South Africa's Youngest Billionaire'

Mandla Lamba/Facebook
The state broadcaster is popular for coping foreign content. We adopt their thingy  and add our Mzantsi flavor. Imbiza ivuthwe.

Mandla Lamba "a mining tycoon" with businesses manganese mines in Mzantsi, Zambia and Congo- Brazzaville, then 25 was arrested for fraud, theft and culpable homicide and he claimed businessman and ANC deputy president  Cyril Ramaphosa and his wife, Tshepo Motsepe were his mentors.

Mr Lamba's arrest left me with different questions racing my mind. I wanted to know more.

It takes some education-anyana to nail such scams. Not every millionaire wanna be can execute them & mayihlale injalo mbhem.

He came across as genuine cause he was handsome , smart and he used that on his advantaged and managed to fool a number of people.

I have not found closure on his case and it just disappeared from the limelight. We don't know what really happened and what forced him to stoop so low. He has not been convicted  yet.

He is a smart guy and I'm sure he knew his claims would attract unneeded attention but why? Getting a decent job is not easy but he appeared to be a smooth talker so that could have landed him one.

If he shifted his focus and energy into building a  proper business eventually he was gonna be a respectable somebody.

An investigation show past his conviction is what we need to see and it would draw a picture of what made him do it regardless of the risks involved.  Its not only for our benefit as it will sort of warn people who think of committing the same crime.

It's like exporting drugs thinking you are special - the detectors won't see through you. You've heard how tight foreign laws are and how merciless the judges have become.

Blaming unemployment and its first born child poverty does not justify the act. Greed, selfishness and lawlessness does not even begin to describe lengxingongo.

A show that will seek to establish the force behind this demon is needed. I'm calling it a demon because I do not believe normal people would be so naïve. I believe there is a force driving them.

Trevor Madondo/Facebook
Recently Trevor Madondo, a socialite and broadcaster was cleared from a similar scam. His business partner together with her banker boyfriend planned to defraud a well-known  bank of 7 million rand.

Madondo's name has been unfortunately been dragged to this fiasco. One can't easily shed this weight of your back.

Again an investigative show would give us a sneak preview of what drove Trevor's associates into committing this horrible crime.

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