Friday 10 May 2013

Ready For Rape?

My heart is heavy with the rape stories that we read about everyday.

Honestly they are not just stories that we should forget. They are people, they have experienced so much & no compensation or lengthy jail sentences can replace what have been 'illegally or inhumanly  been taken away from them.

How gruesome do we want these 'stories' to get. Are we that deaf to the cries of innocent children. I know my government has established special courts but it feels like they have not done anything. I have not seen any decline qha its increasing.

A stern warning needs to be sent. We can't have our children raped as if its the coolest thing to do.

Andazi what needs to be done but the clock is ticking. Its reportedly that every four minutes a person is raped in South Africa and one in every three women will be raped in their life time.

Sadly we have become the rape capital in the world. Sodom and Gomorrah to be precise. But at whose expense? Whose life are we putting on the line?

We have lost Ubuntu that's set us apart from other nations. A father that leaves next door didn't think twice about instilling good values on children and how one should behave among old people. Not today! They are no longer feared heads of household.

They have turned into ruthless, heartless beings ( not all of them).

I have heard some rape because it makes them feel powerful, in control of their victims. They suddenly become the CEO's they have envisioned. The beast that the world cannot touch.

We hoped that Anene Boysen was the last. The nation was at its feet and we all rebuked this hideous behavior. We all sincerely mourned her death. Body mutilation is not something we are familiar with and it sent shivers across the country.

Some matched demanding justice to prevail. The media played a crucial role by spreading the word and informing us of what will follow.

Years ago while I used to watch Dr Phil 's show An African American confessed to being raped by an older man and he said. " I died on that day"

I weeped so hard nawe you can imagine the pain and guilty that man has endured. Blaming himself for not being strong enough and what could have attracted the rapist to him.

Nathi as the society we don't show much support to survivors.

I was watching Good Deeds with a friend that I won't name and shame not now. She became so excited when she saw Gabrielle Union who played Tyler's wife and she said she was raped? I turned and asked so what?

Why is it news when someone has been brutally hurt -she did not ask to be raped. Its not something you chose.

Whether a person walks the street naked or whatsoever  that does not gives anyone permission to destroy someone's life. Let's love and protect one another.

Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land: 2 Chronicles 7:14. I love this verse and i'm sure you know what I’m insinuating.

Mayihlome ihlasele!

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