Monday 6 May 2013

Organ Donor For Who!

The thought of having my heart pumping 'peacefully' in someone else's body freaks me out.

Its the 21st century and the world is modernized and science plays a huge part of our lives but they are taking it too far.

Why do they feel the need of challenging God ewe it boils down to that. I'm with the Jehovah's witnesses on this one, blood transfusion is a no  no! I can't have my blood circulating freely in a strangers veins. That's vampire style to me.

Everything is possible except for cloning people(I think they are working on that too).

If you have lost your limbs in a horrible accident doctors can fix you up with new ones in a beat. That means someone must die and match your blood type.

The Assisted Reproductive Technologies are gaining momentum. There are even people called donorsexual. Basically they  donate their  'seed' without having sexual intercourse with recipients its similar to In vitro fertilisation (IVF) but its not done in hospital and when the process succeeds they move on with their lives and forget the child.

Years back I was in a tight corner and I needed financial injection so I paged a local newspaper hoping to get a piece job but I couldn't find one that I was prepared to do. I saw an add about donating or selling  your egg to a couple that can't get pregnant naturally. I was astonished, I didn't know this kind of business existed  but sadly I did not meet the requirements nor was  I going to do it. I was just curious Bathong!

Anyway how will the child feel to be a work of science?

When we were younger it was cool to be told that we were bought at a retail store- now some kids are bought for real tjo.

I'm gonna come across as ignorant and cruel: If you cannot have kids and you not keen on adoption then hlala unjalo.

I'm not imposing my beliefs because at the end of the day its your life, your choice and unfortunately you will give an account to God so its best to do things with full knowledge of their consequences. Liking it or not there is judgement day.

Ur views? Mandingayityi ndedwa.

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