Thursday 23 May 2013

Mr Kunene Going Gaga?

I have seen how defensive Kenny Kunene was when Democratic Alliance spokesperson Mmusi Maimane challenged his decision of following in Hugh Hefner's footprints.

Kenny admitted in live radio that he slept with his students while he was a teacher and then made a u-turn claiming the girls he taught were older than him. Making it unreasonable to say he was involved in a statutory rape.

What boggles my mind the most about his 'publicity stunts' is how he disrespects women, I'm not going to comment about his rather rude reply to "the glorified garden boy" Maimane.

City Press
I'm fully aware that he didn't point a knife to the 'army' as he calls them but like any father he has a responsibility to protect and support the daughters of the soil not use them in exchange for money and the 'good life'

With the increasing rape cases it would be only fair for people in the limelight to stand against any form of rape. We need a louder voice to rebuke this monster.

Liking it or not once you have become a public figure and claiming to be wealthy too, the youth immediately want to be like you and it's not your fault it comes with the territory.

In my eyes jump starting a career in the porn industry will fuel this 'outrage.' It's no secret that this is a money making business and there is no emotions attached to it but why?

Kuphele other promising business opportunities that could be beneficiary to him and his 'crew'? I  second Gayton McKenzie's move of distancing himself from the so not smart journey that Kenny has 'embarked' on.

There is a difference between controversy and self destruction hayi ke not to mention recruiting youngsters for.. !

Skool me folks who granted TopTv the license to broadcast porn and is it possible for it to be revoked?

Porn, like gambling can be addictive and I think its just a waste of airtime and abusing the platform of impacting the masses positively.

Wena uthini?

Monday 20 May 2013

My Last Sharp Sharp to Vuyo Mbuli!

I'm one of those who watched Morning Live to see Vuyo Mbuli, he was the life of the show.

Even as I write this I can't believe, he's no more. It was  so unexpected and out of the way but when God has decided who are we to question him!

I pray that his family, friends, colleagues and fans find comfort in knowing Vuyo did his part and excelled at it and the honest truth is, he is irreplaceable.

He was no average anchor and it was always beautiful to see how well he engaged his guests and making them feel at home.

No matter how serious and complicated the issue analysed, he never compromised his standards -a hand shake after each interview was guaranteed.

Those that have had an opportunity of meeting him all agree that he was an eloquent and down to earth man.

From presenting the show with swollen feet after participating in the Comrade Marathon and asking the cameraman to zoom in to give us at home a sneak preview of his experience to teasing his co-workers and reading tweets live, everyday was extraordinary.

He was a true testament that you are blessed to be a blessing.

We are greatfull for the little time that we watched, laughed while being informed of current affairs..

I came across this quote by the Minister in the Presidency for Performance Monitoring and Evaluation, Collins Chabane. it moved me and I hope it does the same to you too.

"I further call on young and aspiring journalists to strive for excellence as Mr Vuyo Mbuli did, he has left his mark and walked his journey with pride. May his soul rest in peace!"

It's reportedly that he collapsed while watching a rugby match between the Cheetahs and the Reds at the Free State Stadium on Saturday night. He was treated at the scene before being rushed to the Medi-clinic hospital, where he later died at the age of 46.

Facts About Our Dear Vuyo:

  • He was a teacher by profession and a linguist
  • One of the seasoned presenters that joined the show in November 1999 and
  • A SA FM presenter and businessman.

Vuyo's Favourite phrases:

  • Andile Masuku, she knows the weather
  • Awu bathi Entuzuma KwaZulu, libumbhene ihore leskhombisa
  • Mintiro ya bula bula

Like Rob Byrne said he was a shining star! Heita daarr, Sharp Sharp!

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Public Figures Dressing Fab In Court

I admit maybe I'm not moving with times or I missed the note that said 'celebrities or their loved ones' should dress dashing for their court appearances.

Jub Jub/Facebook
Lawyers cost a fortune- they don't carry those suitcases for sweet nothing and wearing designer clothes is not kind to the pocket lol.

No need to fuss just wear a simple black attire that screams I'm remorseful for what I've done and given a second chance, messing with the law would not spring up to mind.

Clothes can communicate the nasty thoughts that should be buried deep in one's grey matter.

I'm not saying people must cheat but dress appropriately for the situation they are in.

Nam in my small world I occasionally turn to clothes to stimulate my mood for example if its my turn to do the dishes I wear my highest of heels and immediately feel the strength I need to get the 'job' done. That is just me!

Back to the subject: What makes these powerful man and women succumb to the pressure of dressing to the nines when they are in a situation where they probably don't even have time to worry about the simple things in life?

Is the possibility of not seeing the sun again somehow make them want to parade their wealth again?

If you have watched Queen Latifah and LL Cool J's Last Holiday you will remember that When Queen was diagnosed with a deadly sickness. she stopped caring about the simple things in life that mattered the most to her and vigorously splashed most of her money into an expensive holiday.

Ekasi there is this growing culture among Oomahlalela of dressing up for funerals only senditsho nje!

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Digging Deep Into Your Garbage

Google Images
Trash is collected on Tuesday in my hood and its so bad to see people digging deep in people's receptacles looking for recyclable goods.

To them its a job and they do it with everything they got but I wish we could meet them half way and separate reusable waste to make it easier for them.

I know this won't be adopted by my people. We like seeing others half into our disposables. (Prove me wrong my sister & bro).

Mondoza saw this long time ago "umnto'mnyama akafuni ukubona omunye esiya phambili PHEZULU."

Apparently this is called 'Pull Her/Him Down" syndrome, PHD in short. And it has made its nest close to where my people reside.

You see it everywhere you go, like any qualification it has its standard, first & middle class folks are seen eagerly participating. 

"If we don't litter the cleaners will be out of jobs(black tendency right there)," that is what I'm told whenever I raise the issue.

I am not an environmentalist or a neatness freak but since my primary school days , when retailers started selling plastics bags because they thought it would  decrease pollution and it won't decorate our country I sort of wanted to protect the 'earth' too cause it sounded cool!

I urge you to support those who are making a business out of 'dirt' and are keeping our environment clean in the process.

Monday 13 May 2013


I met Asiphe Nombewu on a selection interview at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. We were a group of three girls but sadly the other girl did not make it.

On the day of Orientation we met Siphesihle Notwabaza a very vibrant and talkative Centanian.

I remember that day vividly. We were going to the Campus library and Asiphe affectionately known as Khody teased Sihle because he was talking non-stop.

At first I thought he was a second year student cause he blended well with everyone.

Together with Gcobisa Sizani who went on to study Nursing at the University of the Western Cape and Sibulele Stemele we formed an on and off friendship.

What made us clicked beside studying the same course was our passion for arts and entertainment.

I think I'm talking for everyone when I say media is a powerful tool, a great source of influence.

It somehow control or dictate the lives of millions of people and if used correctly it would change the whole world. No propaganda here so take a chill pill lol.

Towards the end of 2011 my friends wanted us to give back to our respective communities and help at an orphanage for disable kids. It was a great idea and would help us forge a strong friendship but knowing myself I had to decline.

I am an emotional wreck though I love kids with all my heart, watching a 'helpless' child struggling to breathe would paralyse my soul (pun not intended).

Come December holidays I had to go home and when I got there an extended family child who was paralysed from waste down had moved in and we had to spend a couple of days with him. A handsome boy if I must add.

The first few days were fine, we got along though he also had difficulty with speech.

So he called me and said "I want to poof" and I could not believe my ears. Couldn't he have waited for the elders to return from work and then relieve himself?

It took a good twenty minutes or so for me move him from where he was sitting to the bathroom and he was giggling all the way, I was dead scared cause he was shaking nevertheless we did what we had to do, me & Zikho and brought him back to his spot.

My grandmother came back from work and the kid told her everything and that how he fooled us into believing that he was  immobile.

Fast forward to 2012, there was so much happening in my life and I was in a position where everything was meaningless.

I arrived late at Tech and found Asiphe and Sihle at the computer lab. There was this bad vibe between us and even the bubbly Sihle was tense.

They later told me that they were planning an 'intervention' and they have observed that ever since I got a place of my own I stopped attending classes.

I smiled and counted my blessings. Their warmth and love  meant a lot and I thank God for making our journey stop at the same station.

I hate posthumous awards, I don't understand what inspired their inception that's why I decided to share what we have been through and how blessed I am to have you guys in my life.

I pray that you grow and be the successful individuals you aspire to be and most importantly don’t believe your own hype and forget that having Jesus in your lives is the beginning of wisdom.


Friday 10 May 2013

Ready For Rape?

My heart is heavy with the rape stories that we read about everyday.

Honestly they are not just stories that we should forget. They are people, they have experienced so much & no compensation or lengthy jail sentences can replace what have been 'illegally or inhumanly  been taken away from them.

How gruesome do we want these 'stories' to get. Are we that deaf to the cries of innocent children. I know my government has established special courts but it feels like they have not done anything. I have not seen any decline qha its increasing.

A stern warning needs to be sent. We can't have our children raped as if its the coolest thing to do.

Andazi what needs to be done but the clock is ticking. Its reportedly that every four minutes a person is raped in South Africa and one in every three women will be raped in their life time.

Sadly we have become the rape capital in the world. Sodom and Gomorrah to be precise. But at whose expense? Whose life are we putting on the line?

We have lost Ubuntu that's set us apart from other nations. A father that leaves next door didn't think twice about instilling good values on children and how one should behave among old people. Not today! They are no longer feared heads of household.

They have turned into ruthless, heartless beings ( not all of them).

I have heard some rape because it makes them feel powerful, in control of their victims. They suddenly become the CEO's they have envisioned. The beast that the world cannot touch.

We hoped that Anene Boysen was the last. The nation was at its feet and we all rebuked this hideous behavior. We all sincerely mourned her death. Body mutilation is not something we are familiar with and it sent shivers across the country.

Some matched demanding justice to prevail. The media played a crucial role by spreading the word and informing us of what will follow.

Years ago while I used to watch Dr Phil 's show An African American confessed to being raped by an older man and he said. " I died on that day"

I weeped so hard nawe you can imagine the pain and guilty that man has endured. Blaming himself for not being strong enough and what could have attracted the rapist to him.

Nathi as the society we don't show much support to survivors.

I was watching Good Deeds with a friend that I won't name and shame not now. She became so excited when she saw Gabrielle Union who played Tyler's wife and she said she was raped? I turned and asked so what?

Why is it news when someone has been brutally hurt -she did not ask to be raped. Its not something you chose.

Whether a person walks the street naked or whatsoever  that does not gives anyone permission to destroy someone's life. Let's love and protect one another.

Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land: 2 Chronicles 7:14. I love this verse and i'm sure you know what I’m insinuating.

Mayihlome ihlasele!

Monday 6 May 2013

'South Africa's Youngest Billionaire'

Mandla Lamba/Facebook
The state broadcaster is popular for coping foreign content. We adopt their thingy  and add our Mzantsi flavor. Imbiza ivuthwe.

Mandla Lamba "a mining tycoon" with businesses manganese mines in Mzantsi, Zambia and Congo- Brazzaville, then 25 was arrested for fraud, theft and culpable homicide and he claimed businessman and ANC deputy president  Cyril Ramaphosa and his wife, Tshepo Motsepe were his mentors.

Mr Lamba's arrest left me with different questions racing my mind. I wanted to know more.

It takes some education-anyana to nail such scams. Not every millionaire wanna be can execute them & mayihlale injalo mbhem.

He came across as genuine cause he was handsome , smart and he used that on his advantaged and managed to fool a number of people.

I have not found closure on his case and it just disappeared from the limelight. We don't know what really happened and what forced him to stoop so low. He has not been convicted  yet.

He is a smart guy and I'm sure he knew his claims would attract unneeded attention but why? Getting a decent job is not easy but he appeared to be a smooth talker so that could have landed him one.

If he shifted his focus and energy into building a  proper business eventually he was gonna be a respectable somebody.

An investigation show past his conviction is what we need to see and it would draw a picture of what made him do it regardless of the risks involved.  Its not only for our benefit as it will sort of warn people who think of committing the same crime.

It's like exporting drugs thinking you are special - the detectors won't see through you. You've heard how tight foreign laws are and how merciless the judges have become.

Blaming unemployment and its first born child poverty does not justify the act. Greed, selfishness and lawlessness does not even begin to describe lengxingongo.

A show that will seek to establish the force behind this demon is needed. I'm calling it a demon because I do not believe normal people would be so naïve. I believe there is a force driving them.

Trevor Madondo/Facebook
Recently Trevor Madondo, a socialite and broadcaster was cleared from a similar scam. His business partner together with her banker boyfriend planned to defraud a well-known  bank of 7 million rand.

Madondo's name has been unfortunately been dragged to this fiasco. One can't easily shed this weight of your back.

Again an investigative show would give us a sneak preview of what drove Trevor's associates into committing this horrible crime.

Organ Donor For Who!

The thought of having my heart pumping 'peacefully' in someone else's body freaks me out.

Its the 21st century and the world is modernized and science plays a huge part of our lives but they are taking it too far.

Why do they feel the need of challenging God ewe it boils down to that. I'm with the Jehovah's witnesses on this one, blood transfusion is a no  no! I can't have my blood circulating freely in a strangers veins. That's vampire style to me.

Everything is possible except for cloning people(I think they are working on that too).

If you have lost your limbs in a horrible accident doctors can fix you up with new ones in a beat. That means someone must die and match your blood type.

The Assisted Reproductive Technologies are gaining momentum. There are even people called donorsexual. Basically they  donate their  'seed' without having sexual intercourse with recipients its similar to In vitro fertilisation (IVF) but its not done in hospital and when the process succeeds they move on with their lives and forget the child.

Years back I was in a tight corner and I needed financial injection so I paged a local newspaper hoping to get a piece job but I couldn't find one that I was prepared to do. I saw an add about donating or selling  your egg to a couple that can't get pregnant naturally. I was astonished, I didn't know this kind of business existed  but sadly I did not meet the requirements nor was  I going to do it. I was just curious Bathong!

Anyway how will the child feel to be a work of science?

When we were younger it was cool to be told that we were bought at a retail store- now some kids are bought for real tjo.

I'm gonna come across as ignorant and cruel: If you cannot have kids and you not keen on adoption then hlala unjalo.

I'm not imposing my beliefs because at the end of the day its your life, your choice and unfortunately you will give an account to God so its best to do things with full knowledge of their consequences. Liking it or not there is judgement day.

Ur views? Mandingayityi ndedwa.

Friday 3 May 2013

Countless Effort/ No Cheating Booi

I saw a dark,cute and chubby guy reading a book about totems and clan names. More like where do you come from typa thing.

I asked if he was Xhosa (imagine being asked that) and my question amused him.

He turned out to be Xhosa though I had concluded that he was Nigerian and he was interested in  poetry and literature.

Like any devoted born-again Christian I don't pass any opportunity of  telling people about the marvelous works of my savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

I threw a couple of questions and I must say I was blown away by his response.

"I am reading poetry because I want to be able to express myself to God."

I love any form of art and its always moving to see a brother respecting the craft.

His passion made me think of the sweet psalmist King David who had a way with words.

Its good that he is taking initiative to grow his relationship with his maker. A number of young people do not bother.

They are living their lives with the blind  hope that God will sort out everything without them taking part.

He is God moss taking care of us while we are busy doing the exact opposite of his word its his duty nhe?

The truth of the matter is that we no longer have to go to great lengths to have God's attention. Even the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) would be happy with the fact that we no longer slaughter animals to make offerings to our God.

Long and skillfully arranged prayer does not make him understand us better.

He wants us to be his children, children are forgiving and make countless mistakes in the name of growing up.

I find it really cool to just break down before God. He knows the real you and fumbling in his presence means you  acknowledge His role in your life.

There was a lovely story in a book called 'Reaching Out to God'. Sithi kukho lotata that worked with his kid & he regularly asked his kid to lift the table with him and there is no way the child could lift the table on his own and working closely with his father pleased him. They were co-workers and it did not cross his mind that the actual wait of the table was carried by his father.

The moral of the story: God carries the weight of our sins, he is our shield and  he gives us a chance of working with him.

Ukhumbule, He does not need us but we need him. His expertise and vast knowledge of the world would save us big time if we allow him to be God in our lives by that I mean not calling Him only in your hour of need with a bag full of a to do list.

No doubt He is our savior and fighting our battles is what he does gladly and I know He would appreciate a big thank you of obeying his Ten Commandments.

Anyway that's how I see it & nawe feel free and tell me what you think we should do as the new breed that want to leave a holy life in this world.

God bless you.