Monday 1 July 2013

Becoming A Man The Xhosa Way

This is the most sensitive topic for me but I will try tackling it with all due respect and not offend anyone because that's not what I'm about.

What has driven me to finally blog about this situation is the negativity of how it has been broadcasted by international and local media houses.

Hundreds of initiates 'perishing in Mpumalanga and the Eastern Cape' should make headlines as to bring attention to the silent killer. And not condemn the practice.

But what is driving the prospect man to defy all odds and put their lives at risk?

They have heard of people who lose their manhood in the bushes and how Amakhankatha corrupts innocent boys!

Removing the foreskin in hospital is always an option but why most initiates to be, don't consider it?

Coming of age symbolizes a lot of things and it shows that you have moved from one stage to another and its important that one follows the right procedures and not take the easy way out even though it sometimes mean putting your life on a cliff.

Circumcision is our covenant with God you remember when Father Abraham got circumcised on the same day with his son?

Yazi nawe everything that God has made Holy spontaneously work for the good for those who practice it.

It has been scientifically proven that the removal of a foreskin decreases one's chances of acquiring HIV.

We have seen tribes who had previously ignored this old Xhosa custom encouraging their boys to get circumcised.

I know my government does not want to abolish this old tradition but I fear the intervention of the West might corner them as they always do.

By no means do I try to overlook the fact that a number of people have lost their lives. And the fact that many are still nursing psychological and physical scars that have been left by the loss of manhood but let's figure a way of making it work.

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