Monday 29 July 2013

Big Brother Africa's Feza Kessy an Underdog?

I wrestled with my thoughts regarding this post. I had to sit myself down and try to understand what is really going on  because I don't  want to get my curious, caring self into something that is bigger than me. But the good outweighed the bad and here I am defending Feza Kessy.

Its crystal clear that as 'adults' we are weary of the decisions we make and their consequences.

Feza Kessy to me represented not only Tanzania on Big Brother Africa8 dubbed the Chase but women at large.

She gave us herself. Though Hakeem Mandaza claimed the diary sessions were edited, I still hold on to that belief that BBA was raw and unscripted.

She didn't go in the house and marketed herself as expected or created a front of what she wanted people to see her as.

One time she admitted that she did not want Africa to see the submissive and vulnerable woman that she is.

In a way she is a mirror of ordinary African women. Not perfect but trying her level best to change herself. She once confessed that if it wasn't for the Word(bible) she wouldn't be as grounded.
I admire and respect women that aren't afraid to be seen at their worst.

To me she epitomized beauty. She didn't bother with pimping herself up because she knew she is naturally beautiful. She is that kind that makes clothes look dashing not the other way around.

The negative comments from people who have never been confined in a room with a bunch of strangers from different countries is a bit too much. Even from former housemates who never let their guards down and admitted that they too pulled strings here and there to up their game.

Its okay not to agree with the way a person conducts herself on international tv but the personal attacks maan, ain't cool. Like the former beauty queen likes saying; its never that serious!!!

On the other hand I liked O’Neal Zibanani Madumo.  Fairly because I saw a part of me in him lol not him being a wordsmith or emotionless.

He is realistic, analytical(which is often confused as gossip) and he doesn't force himself on people. He lives by his motto: “Walk in the room assuming everyone hates you”

And the bro is arrogantly-humble if there is such a word.  I wish he makes a woman out of Feza. Does that mean I condone... I don't know but I sincerely wish them all the best.

And cut the poor guy some slack, he said he is a struggling Christian (before you say, aren't we all? Consider the fact he is actually working on his salvation).

Like Feza, he spoke his mind while fully aware that Africa may not like his utterances. He despised the fear that is instilled in most housemates about West Africa and their reps.

Truthfully if you don't stand for anything, you will fall for everything.

Ngaphakoko BBA is not a reality show, where we should be looking for morals. Having said that I don't want to contradict myself because I support the Christians that boycotted the 'shower hour' that is viewed by VIP holders who paid R70 to see housemates naked.

Oh I must add I liked Bimp and Nando's bromance. And I pray that Nando who was disqaualified last night sorts himself up and he is way too cute (I just had to say that nothing more or less).

I am not vouching for my favourites to win the $300,000 They should go and work for their own. Their mission is accomplished. Africa knows who Feza Kessy is. I liked that priceless moment when the Dj played her song and Oneal asked him to play it back. It was epic. Everyone could attest to when you humble yourself, God will lift you up.

One blood, One love and One Africa *in Bimp's voice* Lungelwa says so!!!

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