Friday 19 July 2013

Domestic workers - Abomzala

One of the nicest thing about my inservice training was boarding the train with domestic workers.

Man these people are full of life and its safe to say there is never a dull moment when they around.

The story that cracks me up to date is this one:

'Beauty' started working for a new Ngamla and she wrote a to do list on the fridge. As expected Beauty did everything on the list and later went to the kids bedroom to watch movies.  The madam arrived from work to find her on the bedroom with her legs against  the wall, giggling non-mad stop with the kids. The madam bed was not made up and dishes were mounting on the kitchen sink.

Ma'am got so agitated and needed an explanation before sending her to the next taxi to Khayelitsha. Beauty politely took the list off the fridge and told her that she did everything on the list and if she were to check everything is spotless like she asked.

Moral of Beauty's story: Don't tell her what to do. She has been a domestic worker all her life and knows what needs to done. If you don't communicate well with her, she will teach you a lesson.

If like me you judge people based on what they are wearing then you are in for a nasty surprise.

You would swear they work for the government or something.

But some are not that motivated. A mama that I befriended because we worked at the same town, confessed that she keeps the best clothes for church and just wear rags to work. Sad shame.

Tjo some DO NOT want to retire. They are so old that they can't even walk properly. I don't know how they manage to get the job done.

I always lol when others brag about working for a wealthy Mlungu on the Northern Suburbs. Yhe wethu its not your house.

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