Friday 5 July 2013

Not at Church Maan!

The house of God is the bridge between the rich and poor. Its where everyone is equal.

Times are evolving and technology plays a huge role in our lives but I believe the saints shouldn't conform to the standards of this world. In actual fact it must the world copying us Bazalwane.

Preaching from an ipad for me is not ideal.

What happens when the battery dies in the middle of a sermon? Or on your way to a revival notorious kids rob you of your belongings?

A Christian comedian on Thabo Mdluli's show mentioned that if it was today the two stone tablets that Moses held, could have been ipads.

I'm one of those that gladly hold the bible close to my heart when I go to church sort of making my neighbours aware that I'm going to church.

And reading the bible from my phone in the train might lead people into thinking "ndidlala u-facebook."

Maybe I am still stuck in the past. But I love the song that says give me the old time religion. It was good enough for brother Paul and Silas, it is good enough for me.

It pains me when I invite people to church and they decline because they don't have proper clothes. To some extent church services have turned into modeling ramps.

We have forgotten the great commission.  And bible verses that reminds us not to be like the world. I guess that idiom that says if you can't beat them, join them is true to some peeps.

Move! magazine carried articles asking if there should be restrictions on how congregants dress. It was pointed out that you can't dress like you going to a club and one should respect the holy sanctuary.

We shouldn't compete with the world. We are not of the world. One time I rolled my eyes so hard such that my iris tried to pop out. A sis was dissing people who wear fake lashes whilst she was putting on a weave?!! That's a perfect example of judging people who sin differently than you.

You might ask is it a sin to have artificial hair? Read 1 Timothy chapter 2 verse 9

Like Pastor Nathi Mbombela once said Ungaliphuculi ude uliphuncuke!

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