Monday 29 July 2013

Big Brother Africa's Feza Kessy an Underdog?

I wrestled with my thoughts regarding this post. I had to sit myself down and try to understand what is really going on  because I don't  want to get my curious, caring self into something that is bigger than me. But the good outweighed the bad and here I am defending Feza Kessy.

Its crystal clear that as 'adults' we are weary of the decisions we make and their consequences.

Feza Kessy to me represented not only Tanzania on Big Brother Africa8 dubbed the Chase but women at large.

She gave us herself. Though Hakeem Mandaza claimed the diary sessions were edited, I still hold on to that belief that BBA was raw and unscripted.

She didn't go in the house and marketed herself as expected or created a front of what she wanted people to see her as.

One time she admitted that she did not want Africa to see the submissive and vulnerable woman that she is.

In a way she is a mirror of ordinary African women. Not perfect but trying her level best to change herself. She once confessed that if it wasn't for the Word(bible) she wouldn't be as grounded.
I admire and respect women that aren't afraid to be seen at their worst.

To me she epitomized beauty. She didn't bother with pimping herself up because she knew she is naturally beautiful. She is that kind that makes clothes look dashing not the other way around.

The negative comments from people who have never been confined in a room with a bunch of strangers from different countries is a bit too much. Even from former housemates who never let their guards down and admitted that they too pulled strings here and there to up their game.

Its okay not to agree with the way a person conducts herself on international tv but the personal attacks maan, ain't cool. Like the former beauty queen likes saying; its never that serious!!!

On the other hand I liked O’Neal Zibanani Madumo.  Fairly because I saw a part of me in him lol not him being a wordsmith or emotionless.

He is realistic, analytical(which is often confused as gossip) and he doesn't force himself on people. He lives by his motto: “Walk in the room assuming everyone hates you”

And the bro is arrogantly-humble if there is such a word.  I wish he makes a woman out of Feza. Does that mean I condone... I don't know but I sincerely wish them all the best.

And cut the poor guy some slack, he said he is a struggling Christian (before you say, aren't we all? Consider the fact he is actually working on his salvation).

Like Feza, he spoke his mind while fully aware that Africa may not like his utterances. He despised the fear that is instilled in most housemates about West Africa and their reps.

Truthfully if you don't stand for anything, you will fall for everything.

Ngaphakoko BBA is not a reality show, where we should be looking for morals. Having said that I don't want to contradict myself because I support the Christians that boycotted the 'shower hour' that is viewed by VIP holders who paid R70 to see housemates naked.

Oh I must add I liked Bimp and Nando's bromance. And I pray that Nando who was disqaualified last night sorts himself up and he is way too cute (I just had to say that nothing more or less).

I am not vouching for my favourites to win the $300,000 They should go and work for their own. Their mission is accomplished. Africa knows who Feza Kessy is. I liked that priceless moment when the Dj played her song and Oneal asked him to play it back. It was epic. Everyone could attest to when you humble yourself, God will lift you up.

One blood, One love and One Africa *in Bimp's voice* Lungelwa says so!!!

Friday 19 July 2013

Domestic workers - Abomzala

One of the nicest thing about my inservice training was boarding the train with domestic workers.

Man these people are full of life and its safe to say there is never a dull moment when they around.

The story that cracks me up to date is this one:

'Beauty' started working for a new Ngamla and she wrote a to do list on the fridge. As expected Beauty did everything on the list and later went to the kids bedroom to watch movies.  The madam arrived from work to find her on the bedroom with her legs against  the wall, giggling non-mad stop with the kids. The madam bed was not made up and dishes were mounting on the kitchen sink.

Ma'am got so agitated and needed an explanation before sending her to the next taxi to Khayelitsha. Beauty politely took the list off the fridge and told her that she did everything on the list and if she were to check everything is spotless like she asked.

Moral of Beauty's story: Don't tell her what to do. She has been a domestic worker all her life and knows what needs to done. If you don't communicate well with her, she will teach you a lesson.

If like me you judge people based on what they are wearing then you are in for a nasty surprise.

You would swear they work for the government or something.

But some are not that motivated. A mama that I befriended because we worked at the same town, confessed that she keeps the best clothes for church and just wear rags to work. Sad shame.

Tjo some DO NOT want to retire. They are so old that they can't even walk properly. I don't know how they manage to get the job done.

I always lol when others brag about working for a wealthy Mlungu on the Northern Suburbs. Yhe wethu its not your house.

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Burial Societies For Celebrities

Death catches all of unexpectedly. No one really prepares for their departure though we are fully aware that we are indeed visitors on this earth.

But what makes people who bank not lesser than 30 grand on a good week not to pay burial societies?

Like I have said before life is nothing but a breath and it is for the living. The minute you gasp the last heavy breath and kiss this earth goodbye. Your book gets stored in the land of those that we will only see on the second coming of our Lord and saviour Jesus the Nazarene. After resurrection that is!!!

I too have contributed to a celebrity's burial. It was one of those cases that the star, now a shadow of their former self is  forced by a record label owner to make his/her last television appearance by begging the public to assist them on mounting health bills which quickly turns into burial assistance as their health sadly deteriorates.

My question though is, you have seen how a number of people who once used the fast lane you like have ended up being buried in government cemeteries  or their family had to go to money lenders uyokuquma elihlazo ulishiyileyo.

Why has it never crossed your mind to pay or save for desperate times?

Retailers, football clubs are now cashing up in the burial industry.  Some people are even saying owning a funeral parlor is good way of making money.

I don't know the clauses of the contract that an artist and a recording company signs but it must be compulsory for both parties to have a written agreement of debiting certain amount of money that will be fixed for the artist's burial.

I know its not easy to pay money for years and not having someone dying but should a person die then it would be of great help.

Plus it would cut some slack those insurance ads that the SABC forces us to watch!

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Is It Still Joyous After Joyous Celebration?

I have noticed the trend among Joyous Celebration alumni's of venturing to other genres after serving the choir.

I think it was last year when Nkanyiso Bhengu announced that after years of worshipping God the Father he had decided to sing Disco music.

Apparently he did not want his music to be boxed and wants to reach a wider audience.

Swazi Dlamini did not surprise me when she released a jazz inspired album and even now there is plenty of chilled sounds on her gospel Mino.

Idol winner, Khaya Mthethwa who wowed thousands of South African's last year when he became the first person of color to be crowned as the utmost winner. Juggles both worlds.

Thabo Mduli who describes himself as a fly Christian(I think I am one too lol) offered music lovers a pop album which was slightly different to his previous sound. I mean his music has always been inspired by RnB. I think.

Having not followed Asanda Bam's journey on JC, I was so perplexed to learn that she was once part of the team.

Then there is Sechaba Pali allow me to say he is an embarrassment to the gospel fraternity. Not only was he charged with statutory rape but he allegedly said he thought the 15 year old he had a sexual encounter with was 17.

I say its okay to come clean and admit the fact you are just making money bhuti!

He unearthed shocking news on Drum. He claimed half of the choir on Joyous during his time drank tjo!

I don't want to dismiss his claims altogether but it really posed a serious question. Not only in the choir but to Gospel music as a whole. Is it just business and not element of redemption in their music.

Doubtlessly Lindelani Mkhize, Jabu Hlongwane and Mthunzi Namba changed the gospel scene aphe'khaya but their efforts are plummeted with disgrace.

Generally I avoid being a ladder that faithfully lifts people to their destination but remain in the same place. This doesn't seem to bother gospel peeps anyway that's how I see it!

Friday 5 July 2013

Not at Church Maan!

The house of God is the bridge between the rich and poor. Its where everyone is equal.

Times are evolving and technology plays a huge role in our lives but I believe the saints shouldn't conform to the standards of this world. In actual fact it must the world copying us Bazalwane.

Preaching from an ipad for me is not ideal.

What happens when the battery dies in the middle of a sermon? Or on your way to a revival notorious kids rob you of your belongings?

A Christian comedian on Thabo Mdluli's show mentioned that if it was today the two stone tablets that Moses held, could have been ipads.

I'm one of those that gladly hold the bible close to my heart when I go to church sort of making my neighbours aware that I'm going to church.

And reading the bible from my phone in the train might lead people into thinking "ndidlala u-facebook."

Maybe I am still stuck in the past. But I love the song that says give me the old time religion. It was good enough for brother Paul and Silas, it is good enough for me.

It pains me when I invite people to church and they decline because they don't have proper clothes. To some extent church services have turned into modeling ramps.

We have forgotten the great commission.  And bible verses that reminds us not to be like the world. I guess that idiom that says if you can't beat them, join them is true to some peeps.

Move! magazine carried articles asking if there should be restrictions on how congregants dress. It was pointed out that you can't dress like you going to a club and one should respect the holy sanctuary.

We shouldn't compete with the world. We are not of the world. One time I rolled my eyes so hard such that my iris tried to pop out. A sis was dissing people who wear fake lashes whilst she was putting on a weave?!! That's a perfect example of judging people who sin differently than you.

You might ask is it a sin to have artificial hair? Read 1 Timothy chapter 2 verse 9

Like Pastor Nathi Mbombela once said Ungaliphuculi ude uliphuncuke!

Monday 1 July 2013

Becoming A Man The Xhosa Way

This is the most sensitive topic for me but I will try tackling it with all due respect and not offend anyone because that's not what I'm about.

What has driven me to finally blog about this situation is the negativity of how it has been broadcasted by international and local media houses.

Hundreds of initiates 'perishing in Mpumalanga and the Eastern Cape' should make headlines as to bring attention to the silent killer. And not condemn the practice.

But what is driving the prospect man to defy all odds and put their lives at risk?

They have heard of people who lose their manhood in the bushes and how Amakhankatha corrupts innocent boys!

Removing the foreskin in hospital is always an option but why most initiates to be, don't consider it?

Coming of age symbolizes a lot of things and it shows that you have moved from one stage to another and its important that one follows the right procedures and not take the easy way out even though it sometimes mean putting your life on a cliff.

Circumcision is our covenant with God you remember when Father Abraham got circumcised on the same day with his son?

Yazi nawe everything that God has made Holy spontaneously work for the good for those who practice it.

It has been scientifically proven that the removal of a foreskin decreases one's chances of acquiring HIV.

We have seen tribes who had previously ignored this old Xhosa custom encouraging their boys to get circumcised.

I know my government does not want to abolish this old tradition but I fear the intervention of the West might corner them as they always do.

By no means do I try to overlook the fact that a number of people have lost their lives. And the fact that many are still nursing psychological and physical scars that have been left by the loss of manhood but let's figure a way of making it work.