Friday 25 April 2014

Is Anele Mdoda A Bully?

This is a question I asked myself after I witnessed a Twar between the much celebrated Anele Mdoda and some random guy. Anele’s defence mechanism is on another level. The woman spits fire! You don’t want to be on her bad side. And to be honest I don’t blame her. The world is nasty to thick Black girls. The criticism she gets is unacceptable!

People feel entitled to saying whatever they like and how they like because she is a celebrity and she shouldn’t retaliate but hold the forte. Abantu bakhwele bezehlela nje kuye!

We are too quick in spotting a public figure that appears to be rude and that thinks the world revolves around them and its common knowledge that they should watch what they say and how they phrase it.

I have come to notice that most celebrities and Twelebs are actually bullies. You cannot dispute or share a different opinion than theirs. Their word goes! For that we should put the blame on their blind followers for agreeing with everything they say.

The source of hatred that some people have for folks in the public eye doesn’t necessarily stem from jealousy but pure immaturity and silliness.  And wanting to gain a following by challenging or breaking down the spirit of a well known person.
I watched the other time people making fun of the gap between Anele’s front teeth. I couldn’t believe their audacity and foolishness. The joy some people get by subjecting her to such mockery is rather insane.

My stance in all this madness doesn’t change. You can joke about someone’s none existence dress sense but not their stature.  We can’t change the way God the father created us and suggesting someone to go under the knife to please you yimpambano yodwa  ngesiXhosa esivakalayo.

I partly blame public figures for the misconception we have about them and the media world at large. We think they are perfect beings with perfect lives. They don’t experience problems, us ordinary beings encounter daily. They swim in a pool of money. Therefore they should be fit to handle gracefully whatever we throw on their side because we made them. Not their talent, hard work, tears and determination to succeed. Without us there could never be them.
I hate being the one having to highlight this but that’s the reality out there as crude as it is, I believe that’s how people see it.

There is absolutely no cool element in making fun of other people’s realities. There are some things you just can’t be too proud of like your physique or where you were born. You did not chose or work your butt off for it. It was just given to you. It’s understandable that we are human beings, we get carried away sometimes but finding pleasure in someone’s misery or pain is just distasteful and childish.

Another woman who wasn’t exempt from this kind of behaviour is DA’s Lindiwe Mazibuko. Her case was a shocker for me. You’d expect a lot from parliamentarians and acting like primary school kids isn’t one of them.

In primary school it was considered the coolest thing under the sun to make fun of other’s appearance. It could have been excusable then because we were young and stupid and didn’t know any better but not anymore. Inevitably we have grownup and now know what could hurt a person or lift their spirits up.

Lindiwe took the whole situation well and luckily for her the general public sided with her. That’s how it should be!  We shouldn’t shut up when people make fun of our brothers and sisters (mentioning that reminded me of Sizwe Dlomo’s infamous “I’m not your brother “ Tweets lol).

Back to the gorgeous Anele Mdoda: Some Twitter maniacs know that you can’t make fun of her unless you can take her strong comebacks or touché but it doesn’t have to come to that. I can bet my last sent that if you engage her in a respectable manner, her ‘claws’ wouldn’t come out.
I know, I know social networks are the last place to teach or expect people to behave in an acceptable, polite, adult manner because their mom and dad ain’t there! The only people they respect if they do.

It is uncalled for to drag people’s relatives on something they were never part of in the beginning to settle some scores but that should teach bullies a lesson right???

Anele’s ordeal reminds me of America’s Gabby Sidibe. Who gets judged for her weight and skin colour. A number of people see it appropriate to ridicule her. Good heavens ndingathetha kuse ngalomba kodwa abantu must GROW UP!

People think we stop being human cause we become known. F*** around and come up short with me. My mom didn't raise a punching bag -  @Anele

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