Thursday 28 March 2013

The Crooked Generation

These days we have become proud of things we should be ashamed off.
You’d find school children doing shameful things in their school uniforms during school hours. Uqhweshe njani?
Teenagers strolling with their boyfriends and not respecting old people that is still taboo to black communities.
Young girls walking proudly with their ballooned stomachs and showing off their ‘premature’ babies(because their pelvises were not mature enough to hold babies)
Young girls chatting to friends about how good the weekend was and how they drank to death and not remembering how they left the club.
One time I had to hold my mouth and act like I didn’t hear a disturbing conversation between friends. "when are you having a baby or are you infertile? The girl could not answer and I so wanted to say something but I reminded myself its NONE OF MY BUSINESS.
The following year I saw that girl with a bloated tummy and wished I had said something to her friend.
In the early 2000's there was an insurance catalogue on Drum magazine. It was a mind map of an ultrasound scan of a baby and it pointed at different body parts and said something like this: these feet will one day need proper shoes and these eyes will need spectacles and the tiny hands expensive gadgets.
Young people seem like they don't consider this when 'trying' for a baby.
You'd think their poor living conditions at home would propel them to want better things in life but instead they don't see beyond their situations and continue to increase the natality rate.
I cannot tell you how to live your life but you know you cannot afford KFC or spoil yourself with your hard earned cash but you go on and bring an innocent baby to a life of poverty. Fori ntoni?
Sometimes I think we are not exposed to successful Kasi poeople who have been there and conquered Kasi temptations or the quick life.
We don't aspire to change the world like the youth of 1976 who staged several riots against apartheid and Bantu education.
"Ikapa sifike linje aluzutshintshwa sithi" does that mean we have to destroy our lives?
I am no body and I don't aim to judge anyone but to bring about change.
I want the black community to stop and ask ourselves where are we going? What are we teaching the next generation?
The mind your business thingy is not part of our culture(the way we do things)
We ought to care for one another!!!
Nota Bene: I'm not your enemy but a caring friend!

He is a Blessing

I’m a train user and I’m not ashamed vele it’s not something to be ashamed of even though it’s not the best transport in town.

I bumped into a young vendor at the Cape Town train station and he was wearing his Cape Peninsula University of Technology’s(CPUT) student card.

Normally I would have rolled my eyes and moved on but I could not.

I wanted to know if he’s selling snacks to commuters to make ends or he’s part of South Africa’s growing phenomenon of child headed household.

I developed so much respect for him; I mean selling sweets to people is not fancy at all despite this he seemed determined to make an innocent living.

He’s not waiting for government’s assistant nor blaming the ruling party for neglecting people who really need their help.

He’s an inspiration and I will try to ask him to share his life story with me. It won’t be easy opening up to a stranger but I will assure him it’s for a good use.

I get blessed by ordinary people doing great things to survive. Our country these past days has been full negative things and it’ applaudable to see a youngster rising above his circumstances.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

My Tiff With The Caster Semenya Cover!

My heart goes out to this woman. The little we’ve come to know of her has been flooded with bad publicity.

This young woman has endured so much. Who can forget the 2009 World Championship when she won gold in the women's 800 metres? Our beloved country  was so united and we could not wait for her to come back.

No one anticipated the gender testing saga that would soon follow and how her coach apparently lied to protect her.  It all happened at the time we were celebrating her.

I was so disappointed when I saw the Drum cover. Yes, I don’t know the ins and out of choosing a cover story but as a reader I think the cover should stand out and make you want to buy the magazine not to have conflict within you of the decision they have made.

I started liking the magazine in Junior High and I did not want to miss a single issue because it was worth having but I do not know where it lost the plot.

It’s slowly losing its credibility if you remember the magazine was instructed by the Press Ombudsman to apologise  to Bonang Matheba for publishing defamatory comments about her. You would not expect this kind of carelessness from a renowned publication.

I was not going to write this thing if it the Caster story was carried by a Sunday newspaper.

The team didn’t even post a decent picture and they just ran with whatever they could get. Contrary to what the magazine is about.

I’m sure this is gonna come as a shock to most of you as I am an open homophobic. Maybe right now you are saying no wonder I’m defending her, I don’t want to accept that she is “homosexual”, far from the truth my friends.

I just hate how we’ve been portraying this young woman and not giving her the freedom she probably yearns.

Until she tells us what’s going on in her life we should stay out of her business and let her be. And I too want to know what is going on but sinking so low to get the latest Mgosi on her is not Ideal. Let’s report on facts my friends not on hearsay.

I thank you.

Safe Abortion

Is it really safe? Is it safe to end someone’s life that has not even started?
Amazingly our bill of rights says everyone has a right to life but in this regard it does not apply.

Everywhere I go I see these SAFE ABORTION posters. And I do not entirely blame the Dr Mamuyandichaza’s because clearly the business is in demand.

Excuse my wild mind but don’t the abortionists worry about what will happen to the foetus?

It’s unlike going to a dentist and asking for the rotten tooth afterwards to see what has been giving you sleepless nights.

Ending someone’s life should not be quick and easy. "30 minutes pain free" disgusts me.

I know the decision has not been reached easy and a lot of thought has been given to this but still it does not make it right.

How do you even begin thinking of aborting a six month old ‘foetus’? I am neither a doctor nor a medical practitioner but I do know by this time the baby has developed into a human being.

My government has and is discouraging back street abortion as it often endangers the life of the person thinking of aborting. But why are they not arresting back street  'doctors'?

When you engage in an unprotected sex, what do you expect? And turning to shortcuts with everlasting consequences because you do not want to take responsibility of your actions is unbelievable.

I do not question the decision of rape survivors who had to abort because they did not want to relive the ordeal but I would advise them to think twice about the decisions thereafter.

Zintanda, let’s make informed choices about our lives and not live for the moment and remember whatever you do today will catch up with you in the future.’Ayizukushiya le-bus.’


Wednesday 20 March 2013

International Women's Day Message

I once read a story in The Herald about a Zimbabwean girl who was born HIV positive, she was sharing her challenges of living with HIV and you know back in the day, we didn’t have Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission - if ur mama tested HIV + chances were u were gonna be born with the virus.

So this gal attends a Pentecostal church and there u r kinda expected to get married at certain age and she was afraid of what her 'Prospect Husband ' would sae n that pierced my heart so hard n it hasn't healed.

Women are brought up with the mentality of being a better wife, not a better CEO hence the Xhosa sayin ikhaya lentombi lisemzini. We are more than that while I was staying at a Shebeen a woman customer fondled my hips & asked me if I can sing to her disappoint I cant even hit a flat note but she assured me with a body shape like mine I am guaranteed a husband and I ddnt blame her cause some ppl think we go 2 Church to be wed.

Some heathens sae they will only go to kerk when they want a wife. There are so many stories I could tell u about this. All in all women's place is still viewed by the society we live in inferior & women abuse is an everydae thang in SA. We still have a long...