Wednesday 20 March 2013

International Women's Day Message

I once read a story in The Herald about a Zimbabwean girl who was born HIV positive, she was sharing her challenges of living with HIV and you know back in the day, we didn’t have Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission - if ur mama tested HIV + chances were u were gonna be born with the virus.

So this gal attends a Pentecostal church and there u r kinda expected to get married at certain age and she was afraid of what her 'Prospect Husband ' would sae n that pierced my heart so hard n it hasn't healed.

Women are brought up with the mentality of being a better wife, not a better CEO hence the Xhosa sayin ikhaya lentombi lisemzini. We are more than that while I was staying at a Shebeen a woman customer fondled my hips & asked me if I can sing to her disappoint I cant even hit a flat note but she assured me with a body shape like mine I am guaranteed a husband and I ddnt blame her cause some ppl think we go 2 Church to be wed.

Some heathens sae they will only go to kerk when they want a wife. There are so many stories I could tell u about this. All in all women's place is still viewed by the society we live in inferior & women abuse is an everydae thang in SA. We still have a long...

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