Friday 15 November 2013

Satisfied with What You Have?

Is there a part where we humans say we have enough like I have everything I need and I'm fine with what's on my plate?

Seemingly we emulate the giraffe in so many ways, you have a lot going for you but still you are eying what's not yours.

Take the Guptas for example they have everything money affords but still they want to control everything. Can't we be grateful for the little or  big that we have.

Elokshin yazi nawe there is this unneeded competition of always wanting to outshine your neighbour at all cost and forgetting on focusing on the most important free things in life.

I for one I try not to be trapped on this rat race and the desire of wanting more and more. A number of people live beyond their means even the credit bureau shem has forgotten their debts.  

I know ‘DO YOU’ has become a cliché but I think it’s the only way out really.

To me it makes sense to compete with yourself and strive to outdo your previous achievement and not measure your accomplishments with others.

Someone on facebook said something so profound - "jealous is when you count someone's blessings instead of yours" and I couldn't  have said it better !!

So man, don't lose your purpose lana emhlabeni by living someone's life and helping them realise their dreams by constantly reminding them by forever showing up with what they want or striving for.

Do I make sense?!

I was contemplating whether to post this as a note on facebook or lana so ja... I wrote this four or five months ago.

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