Tuesday 3 September 2013

Must I Go Nood To Be Heard?!

Maybe I am forever scarred by the brutality that french people shown to Sarah Baartman that I can't appreciate women who parade themselves for a good cause.

My question is do we need to strip naked to be heard? Perhaps I have missed the memo that said in order for women to be equal game players they need to go exotic.

We are people of great influence and every kid out there knows sex sells. If we conform to this, the next generation won't be spared in degrading themselves to secure their social standing.

Parading our bodies in this undignified manner makes us look like loose cannons. There are plenty of ways of retaliating against social ills.

It's good to think outside the box but we shouldn't be the ones perpetuating indecency.

I'm old fashioned. I know but I liked how women in the sixties picketed. They managed to get their voices heard without going all Delilah...

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