Monday 8 April 2013

May His Soul Rest in Peace?

Rest in Peace seems to be the most sensible thing to say when you hear the devastating news of someone’s passing.

Some people even go as far as saying “they are in a better place now and they will be our angels or ancestors.”

The truth is not everyone that dies goes to heaven. You cannot live your life anyhow and expect to wake up next to gospel greats. Askies, this time around you can’t have your bread buttered both sides. It does not work like that.

Izulu liyasetyenzelwa, alingenwa mahala. You work your way up to heaven (figuratively). It just does not happen, it’s like an art piece, you take time crafting it and make it presentable to the buyer because it’s not yours and one day you’ll hand it over to someone, who has invested in your art and expects to see a good product at the end.

As much as we are the YOLO(you only live once) generation and we don’t want to think about tomorrow or the future. We want to think about now and today Life does not end here and we need to prepare now for eternal life. It’s inevitable but at the same time you chose now what you want.

We are all God’s children and he has given each one of us a chance to repent and live a life worthy of heaven and the hour of grace is now.

When you die without a healthy relationship with God, you’ll go straight to hell. Injalo nje!

I know people don’t want to insult the dead and say horrible things about them but we should not confuse the living.

Mazi enethole.

1 comment:

Penandpaper:A page out of My Memoir said...

More like rest in your grave until Jesus Christ comes. We use flattery where it is not suited, If the person was a criminal and whatever the case and did not repent and we all knew then who are we foolling by saying they are on heaven or will go to heaven.

Your bad ways catch up with you, it can be while you are still living or when you are dead. When you are dead and you didnt make your way straight with God then for sure your home will be hell.

And us born-again christians are always accused of judging people but I always think it is better to tell people the truth and let them decide which truth they want Half truth or the one that will take them straight to heaven which is Jesus Christ.

So let us no fool one another because in the end people are dying or rather yet perishing because they lack knowlegde. so with all this being said and not being judgemental but 'Work for heaven' and one would ask how do you work for heaven?

first step accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour then follow all his laws, Statutes commandments by reading the bible and praying afterwards watch while God transforms you in a new creation and fighting every battle for you without having to lift a finger. And with the Holly Spirit being your director in life then you will never go wrong.