Saturday 14 December 2013

Money Matters: Thinking Out Loud

We live in a world where we are encouraged to voice our thoughts freely but they aren’t really welcomed even by those who encourage us to speak up.

Who are you, where you from (ingane kabana le *in Kenneth Nkosi’s voice*) is always a factor.  No-one is interested on what you gonna say if you don’t have a famous surname or you not in the showbiz or hold a prominent job.

What bugs me the most is seeing people who say Tamkhulu Rolihlahla Mandela is their role model and you don’t see an inch of Tamkhulu’s trait in them. We all know he embodied humility, love and respect for people regardless of their backgrounds.  So if you say to me he inspires you, I at least expect you to emulate ubuntu bakhe and fall short on the rest ke.

We are a materialistic generation that worships those who have already made it. Maybe we think it would rub off on us, shame!

I'm a bit confused or lost to be precise. It’s human nature to take what flatters you and leave inyani ikujongesweni than doing the right thing.

It’s more of show me what you've got before you speak. We are bullied into silence. It's like you are not expected to know right from wrong if you not financially stable. People tend to value those who have money more.

I'm a vocal being. You can't say something I disagree with and expect me shut up (unless the Holy Ghost tells me to) but I found myself withdrawing from pointless arguments and unhealthy debates especially when I see peeps are abusing their authority.

I wish I could just scream and tell people to grow up and treat human beings equally. Not based on the digit on people’s bank account nani nani. God the father created us in His image and likeness that’s enough for us to love, support and respect each other.

Anyway ibukukucinga nje apha kum!!!

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