Monday 13 May 2013


I met Asiphe Nombewu on a selection interview at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. We were a group of three girls but sadly the other girl did not make it.

On the day of Orientation we met Siphesihle Notwabaza a very vibrant and talkative Centanian.

I remember that day vividly. We were going to the Campus library and Asiphe affectionately known as Khody teased Sihle because he was talking non-stop.

At first I thought he was a second year student cause he blended well with everyone.

Together with Gcobisa Sizani who went on to study Nursing at the University of the Western Cape and Sibulele Stemele we formed an on and off friendship.

What made us clicked beside studying the same course was our passion for arts and entertainment.

I think I'm talking for everyone when I say media is a powerful tool, a great source of influence.

It somehow control or dictate the lives of millions of people and if used correctly it would change the whole world. No propaganda here so take a chill pill lol.

Towards the end of 2011 my friends wanted us to give back to our respective communities and help at an orphanage for disable kids. It was a great idea and would help us forge a strong friendship but knowing myself I had to decline.

I am an emotional wreck though I love kids with all my heart, watching a 'helpless' child struggling to breathe would paralyse my soul (pun not intended).

Come December holidays I had to go home and when I got there an extended family child who was paralysed from waste down had moved in and we had to spend a couple of days with him. A handsome boy if I must add.

The first few days were fine, we got along though he also had difficulty with speech.

So he called me and said "I want to poof" and I could not believe my ears. Couldn't he have waited for the elders to return from work and then relieve himself?

It took a good twenty minutes or so for me move him from where he was sitting to the bathroom and he was giggling all the way, I was dead scared cause he was shaking nevertheless we did what we had to do, me & Zikho and brought him back to his spot.

My grandmother came back from work and the kid told her everything and that how he fooled us into believing that he was  immobile.

Fast forward to 2012, there was so much happening in my life and I was in a position where everything was meaningless.

I arrived late at Tech and found Asiphe and Sihle at the computer lab. There was this bad vibe between us and even the bubbly Sihle was tense.

They later told me that they were planning an 'intervention' and they have observed that ever since I got a place of my own I stopped attending classes.

I smiled and counted my blessings. Their warmth and love  meant a lot and I thank God for making our journey stop at the same station.

I hate posthumous awards, I don't understand what inspired their inception that's why I decided to share what we have been through and how blessed I am to have you guys in my life.

I pray that you grow and be the successful individuals you aspire to be and most importantly don’t believe your own hype and forget that having Jesus in your lives is the beginning of wisdom.


1 comment:

Jerriana said...

touching story, i'm so touched