Friday 30 March 2012

Why I blog

I have been dreading to pen this. I really did not see a reason to justify my 'actions' plus it was kinda late. Setting the record straight and hopefully making some peeps to tolerate me outweighed the reasons I had. You have probably seen on my previous posts that I am very opinionated, inquisitive and self-aware at the same Xesha.

I enjoy making known my not always correct views on the world we live in. I am not afraid to flaunt my 'naivity' because it depicts the kind of person that I am. Not perfect but likes talking non-stop and impacting my knowledge to those who care to listen and hopefully get a reaction   too. 

I have always wanted to have a platform where I just vent whatever and not look over my shoulder to see who is listening kwaye I was never a crowd pleaser shem.

The fear of close friends, frenemies and foes reading what I have posted freaked me out a bit but it sprout to mind that I am here on this earth to do me and my journey is different from theirs.

I have decided to list the schools have I attended so yall know I don't speak 'commercial english' lol. No I just wanted to brag.

1.Lunga in Mdantsane(Haala East Londoners lol).

2. Homba  in D Section in Khayelitsha

3. Sivile in Ikhwezi Park Khayelitsha

4. Intshinga in Gugulethu next to Mzolis lol

5. Qolora by Sea in Centane (1 day I will share my experiences of staying in a village for 4 years)

6. Byletts Combined School near East London.

7. Luhlaza High.

I will post about things that should be left unsaid. You will not always agree with what's on my mind. I think I’m thought provoking though peeps are quick to say I’m motivational so brace yourself tiger kwaaaks .

Banele - My gettin there

Dressed in a black skirt and a white shirt, hair nicely combed.  Anele Banele an Information Technology graduate Rushes down the stairs of Metro rail train station, trying to board an 8 am train to Cape Town.
Banele is a Born-again Christian from the Eastern Cape, She came here to pursue her dreams of owning an IT company.
Time and again she looks at her silver and gold watch “I am so late, I should be in town already.”
“Anele” will be meeting a group of friends for a Human Rights Day party that she and her friends are organising. The party is specially made for children with disabilities. “I was raised by a single mother and she literally struggled to raise us.”
She calmly picks her cerise pink cell phone to tell her friends that she is running late. Anele tells me what makes her a patriot.  “All my life I wanted to do something that will put a smile on someone’s face, and living in South Africa that is not so hard because my government can provide me with all that I need.”
“With a planed and well structured idea, I can persuade any relevant government official to back my plan, if have attended government organised seminars and we are told not be afraid to ask them for assistance as they are here to serve us.
We arrive in Cape Town and Anele hurries to Gardens where her friends are waiting for her. Three girls all wearing black and white greets and hug her. The other one starts to point to brown branch chair under a tree suggesting we should all take a sit.
While brainstorming, a tall and dark guy with a Teko Modise cut interrupts and apologise for being late. He quickly opens his bag and takes a black laptop, “I hve set a meeting with the events manager and I think we should all go” he said
For few seconds the girls did not say a word and it was crystal clear that they did not expect the meeting to be over so soon. Anele saves them time and said “I thought this meeting was about us helping the kids not spending money.”
After hours  and hours of disagreements the group finally agreed on something and said the theme of the party will be “proudly south African”.


My former Life Orientation teacher used to say “It does not matter how poor people are, they will always have sex” and that could be proven by the number of children they have.
In most countries men are seen as the head of the family. Whatever the men wants he gets. A woman’s voice or opinion does not matter and a woman’s role is to satisfy her husband.
Men were created to enjoy sex more than women. Their testosterone levels are higher than women’s. It takes twenty minutes for a woman to be on and a few minutes for a man.
To men sex is meaningless, there is nothing much attached to it and they would not mind doing it as often as they could.
Men and women are different. Women like feeling loved and special. To a woman sex is important and it’s the next step in a relationship. There is a lot involved, it’s not just about exchanging body fluids. It’s about love and connection. Hence women love foreplay and men struggle to understand why women love foreplay.
 Some men think sex is just an exercise and they need to have it regularly. Most men would have it with any good looking woman that comes their way, anywhere. When men see voluptuous woman or woman showing a cleavage, they get sexually excited and start fantasizing about seeing that woman naked.
You tend to get men as old as one’s grandfather, promiscuous towards young girls and providing them with their financial needs so that they could get sex in return.
Women are moody and like being in control of every situation and they are easily turned off by a men that want to take control and satisfy his sexual needs.
Men like talking about sex with their friends.  “Guys sexualize everything.  Like, if I was rich and famous as Usher, I would sleep with any girl I want.” (Mahomba ,2012)
To most men sex seems like a hobby until something else comes along. Its even proven that most men cannot be satisfied by having sex with one woman for the rest of their lives without cheating.