Tuesday 24 May 2011

Amazing kitty

Naquita Hendricks is a19 year old Journalism student at the Cape University of Technology in the Bellville Campus.
Kitty as friends call her has a bubbly personality. Talks likes there is no tomorrow especially when the topic discussed involves politics.
She comes from a political minded family. Her mother is a former politician and has worked for the ANC,ID and DA. She even ran as Ward counselor  for  Muizenburg’s ward 64 and came second while working for the then  ID.
Her  family involvement in politics has not always been good. In 1996 she was shot at in Khayelitsha (where i live). Fezile the guy that saved her was stabbed  a week after  because he was seen as a traitor by the black community. That incident made her family to appreciate each other more.
Kitty loves being the centre of attention. She started modeling at the age of 2 years but stopped at the age of 13 after her father died. She lost her passion because her dad was her motivator.
During her modeling years  she won a number of beauty pageants and her older sister was her role model  as she also modeled.  
Her enthusiasm  made her  a video girl at the tender age of six. She was the lead girl on a music video of the famous Rockets which was filmed at  st.James beach.
She is also a sport  fanatic. She played hockey for the Western Province and she  plays as a goalie for the Shacks at the Pro Series Indoor Hockey.
Kitty  knows the meaning of independency as she works part time, at the Rascals pub in keniworth. Working in a pub has not changed her beliefs and continues to be a strong believer in Catholism.

Monday 16 May 2011


It is very important for a journalist to read because reading is educational. Reading can make a journalist an expert in a certain topic as reading informs an individual. Reading opens ones mind to different things.
It is  good for a journalist to be university-qualified. Many jobs in communications, particularly government organizations require a tertiary qualification as a prerequisite though a number of people can get a job with a media organization.
Studying journalism helps in getting a solid foundation in the fundamental skills of the trade. Journos get access to specialized, upper-level journalism courses. For example if a journo wants to be a sportswriter or a film critic, will attend a journalism school that offers a specialized classes in theses areas. Most offer training in the kind of multimedia skills that are in demand. Most like the Cape University of Technology (CPUT) offer internship programs for their students.
Studying journalism gives journos an access to mentors, namely the journalism –faculty, who have worked in the profession and can offer valuable advice. Like CPUT most Universities include faculty who are journalists, giving journos a chance to network with professionals in the field.
Some of the highlites of journalism school are the connection it offers. While learning invaluable skills about what journalism is about and how to craft and report stories, journors will meet lectureres who likely have strong ties in the media world.
Journalist should always read as reading crafts their knowledge. It is part of journalists job to know the langauge that the public undersands as they don’t always deal with literate people.
Journalism is not often cosidered as a proffession because there is quite a number of journalists who never went to school and are doing good. Though they don’t really know the theory-side of journalism.

Wednesday 4 May 2011


Steve Harvey is an international comedian and an actor known for his awesome acting skills especially in the Steve Harvey show.
In this book Steve is telling women how men operate, the things men do and reason why they do them. Steve calls this book a play book of some sort as it guides women on men.
Men are driven by three things: who they are, what they do and how much they make. Everything they do is influenced by these three things and they can not be in a healthy relationship before they have figured them out.
 On the first chapters of the book Steve talks of the ways men are groomed from an early age to be strong and protect the women in their lives. Men have a different DNA than women, they do not show their love like women.
 They believe in professing, providing and protecting their women. Steve made an example of his childhood. Whenever they went out his father used to call him and tell him to protect his mother and sisters.
Steve emphasizes on the fact that men need support, loyalty and the cookie in order to be committed to a relationship. If any of the three is missing especially the cookie they will go to someone who will give it to them. Steve calls sex a cookie.
He explains why men do what they do basically the mind-set of men. When a man approaches a woman he has a plan whether he wants to sleep with her or have a good relationship with her. They tell from the start of a relationship if a woman is a keeper or a sports fish. A keeper is the marrying type and a sport fish is a ‘plaything’.
He tells why men cheat and why some remain mama’s boy after they have tied the knot or in a serous relationship. He said men respect standards and women should have them as they indicate how they want to be treated.
 Every woman should ask these five questions before things get hotter and hotter. What are your short-term goals, what are your long-term goals, what are your views on relationships, what do you think about me, and what do you feel about me. The answer of what he feels and what he thinks should be different. He advises women to have follow-ups on these questions as they want specifics. It should be a well thought answer not something his been saying to a number of girls.
Women should have a ninety day rule. “Some type of a probationary period to find out more about him.” A man does not get benefits of being in a relationship until those ninety days are over. During  the ninety days a women should check her man out, how does he react  when you tell him you’ve got some problems, how does your man react under  pressure, how does he react to bad news and how does he react when he’s told “no”.
Steve warns women with children of not introducing them early in the relationship as it helps to see if your man likes kids or not. Steve rebukes strong independent and lonely women of mistreating the men who wants to be in a relationship with them.
He advises women on how to get the ring and answer questions women don’t know about men. In the book Steve emphasizes that men are not like women. They are simple creatures, who want to be loved.